2023 Best Illustrated Book

Enjoy the elegance and beauty of twenty five original black queens! Colorful illustrations presented with different dresses, hairstyles, makeup, crowns, and a description of each queen.

Springer Spaniel Patch has four puppies on the farm where she lives with Marigold the House Cow, Gertie Goose, Sally-for-short the Sow, and lots of worried woollies. But the puppies can't stay forever, and they have a lot to learn.

Imagine animals playing instruments, described in a very rhythmic fashion. This fun-to-read book will help you learn about some animals or instruments you may have never heard of. The rhymes roll off your tongue as the rhythm of the melodic words tickle your ears. So, In All of Your Days Have You...

Is your brain magic? Whether your brain buzzes around the room like a bee or tells you to be loud and roar like a lion, celebrate the many things that it can be. This sensory-seeking celebration shines a light on neurodiversity in a fun and action-packed way for all children to enjoy.

Cult Girls is the first anti-cult memoir, graphic novel, based on the 'comedic, lighter version' of the life of my friends and I leaving the harsh Jehovah’s Witness religion. It has our flashback childhood, teenage & early marriage experiences shared through a comedic feminist lens.

Simon is a sloth who plays the bagpipes. The only trouble is no one likes his music. Determined to find his magical melody, Simon travels all over the world searching for the answer....Only to discover that all he needs has always been there, right under his furry nose. Join Simon on his quest.

Joseph's oversized school uniform begins this Ugandan adaptation of a favorite Jewish folktale. As both Joseph and his Grandfather grow older, that shirt transforms into many objects to help Joseph in school. Readers will enjoy guessing what object will come next. Joseph sings the story at the end.

With the help of technology, doctors can now assist individuals in achieving what was previously impossible. Humans look a little different today than in recent history. This book explores various themes such as chronic illness, differently-abled bodies, queer communities, and more.

This unique and beautifully illustrated children's picture book of positive affirmations is a fantastical journey of wonder, mindfulness, and empowerment for children and preteens ages 4-12.

It's not your gramma's ABCs! It's a book about animals, cleverly disguised as a book about the alphabet! It'll keep children entertained through their high school years, and even beyond.

Infused with beautiful artwork and poetry, Nature Flow takes you on a journey of mindful movement through nature! With simple, easy-to-follow guidance and gentle cues, Nature Flow invites you to discover practices that foster wellbeing and a sense of connectedness to nature. [Non-Fiction,Children's]