Awards Testimonials

See below what some of our Page Turner Awards entrants have had this to say about entering our international writing contest.

Watch video testimonials on YouTube

Great Script Editor

Please send my thanks to your script editor. He did a wonderful job giving me feedback on my script. He was honest and to the point. I see where most of my technical errors were and how I lost the reader in my description of places and events through tense of time.

Your script editor understood

Great opportunity for all writers!

Being a finalist in the Page Turner Awards has been such an immense boost! So appreciative of opportunities like this for authors like myself to get their work out there. Thanks to the Page Turner Awards for your continued support of writers.

Page Turner Awards Gets Involved

Participating in The Page Turner Awards 2020 has been a wonderful experience. To be able to display your work in such a large industry arena, an international arena, builds such personal confidence and instills validation. To be able to see what the other entrants are doing makes one feel very

A Chance to Believe

The Page Turner Awards is truly inclusive. To be acknowledged is always an honour; a fleeting moment to believe in ourselves. I am deeply thankful for this moment, however brief. Thank you, Paula and Ken.

Without real opportunities like this, getting published would be just another possibility in

Fairy Godmentor

Thank you! This is nuts… girl opens a laptop one day, writes a few words, sends them to Page Turner Awards… ends up with a fairy godmentor.

You make a lot of people happy, you should know that.


Cheers, Thea

"Growing Up Gay Stories"

A sincere Thank You to Paula and the Page Turner Awards team for finding the courage to bring "Growing Up Gay Stories" to the finalists stage. It's extremely gratifying to be in a great company of talent and wherever this project lands, I take it as a "win" already. Huge congratulations to the other

A Single Petal

Teacher Feng, a middle-aged and humble widower, lives quietly in Tang Dynasty China, caring for his teenage daughter Feier, but his life changes when his best friend is murdered, and local Miao community girls are kidnapped. The authorities seem strangely unconcerned, so Feng sets out on an arduous

Great Value For Money

It was a pleasure to work with David and the editing services were great value for money. His feedback was thorough and commercial. It goes without saying that my entry to the PTA is much improved thanks to his efforts.

David's edits were thorough and focused on making my book more attractive to

Lara Byrne

Thanks to Paula and everyone at PTA for an incredible journey!

The Page Turner Awards simply stand out. They are more than just another literary prize; they are a journey of self-discovery for any aspiring writer, a very professional test of your concept and output. I have learnt so much about so

Voices of new authors will be heard!

I rarely enter competitions but working with Paula and Ken was a delight. The application process was straight forward - even for a luddite like me - but when I needed help, Paula was there. What was so refreshing was that Paula and Ken's aim in founding the Page Turner Awards was so that the voices

Gillian Kobiela Lyon

Entering the Page Turner Awards has been one of the very best decisions that I have made for my writing.

The editorial service that is offered is worth its weight in gold. Since having feedback and a developmental edit last year, I have opted to have a full manuscript edit with one of the editors

The sky is the limit!

Whether you are self-published or traditionally published, I believe entering book competitions is a must for all authors. It will not only promote your work but give you important feedback on your book and how to progress as a writer. However, there are so many competitions and they can be

Wonderful experience

I've thoroughly enjoyed the Page Turner Awards. A supportive community of writers and authors together with an excellent team of organizers made this experience a delight. I'm grateful that two of my books were awarded Finalists. I will return!

Enlightening and encouraging

I thought the awards ceremony was fantastic. The commentary from successful writers was enlightening and encouraging.

The joy you are spreading worldwide!

Thank you for this unexpected, and wholly underserved, honor. I hope that life brings you tenfold the joy that you are spreading worldwide!

Finally! A new Credible Award

Want an award for writing a book? The internet is loaded with sites that offer awards if you pay the substantial entry fee. Buying an award has become a scam that pollutes the credibility of good writers with poor writers who've boughten their awards. Page Turner Awards stands as a shining example

A great experience for a first-time novelist

Congratulations to you and Ken for putting together a great show tonight, and thank you for such a great experience for a first-time novelist entering my first writing competition.


I'm so honored to be chosen to be a Finalist in this years Writing Awards. I'm blessed to be in the same company as these talented writer's. Thank you Paula, Ken and the team for giving me a chance to full fill my passion. Good luck to everyone! Happy writing!

A wonderful experience from start to finish

The Page Turner Awards has been a breath of fresh air in a sea of writing competitions. Paula's hands-on approach in managing the competition has been wonderful. Her announcements and communications have been personal, yet professional—a unique quality compared to the standard form letter responses

Claire Merchant Video Testimonial

Claire Merchant - Page Turner Awards Video Testimonial

Thanks to Claire for this lovely video review, we really appreciate it!

See More Testimonials

A beautiful space for aspiring hopefuls

I'm still tickled about winning in my genre for the Writing Awards category. I really didn’t think that was a possibility, and showed up for the awards in support of the amazing talent that was listed on the short list.

I look forward to submitting future works into the competition and hopefully

One of the best critiques I've received to date!

David's critique was helpful. His comments showed he had carefully read my work and his suggestions were thoughtful. He balanced praise and criticism in a way that was not patronizing and gave me insight into other possible approaches to the beginning of my novel. I wouldn't mind working with him

Make Valuable Connections

Page Turner Awards is much more than a solid writing competition that places your script on a relative scale regarding the scripts of other contestants. At Page Turner Awards one doesn’t feel in a vacuum, as they keep participants updated at every stage of the selection process.

Ken and Paula

Offering Writers the Help & Support They Need!

The Page Turner Awards really do give writers the opportunity to get their written work out there for the public to see and it offers writers the help and support they need. It really is valuable for both new writers and more established writers, a very good awards scheme that I would encourage

Fantastic for new authors

The Page Turner Awards offer a brilliant opportunity for new writers to experience writing awards. Engaged, communicative and human, the people running these awards make you feel involved and part of a community.

Helpful 5 Page Critique

My 5-page critique is interesting and helpful, and I will be ordering another one. Thanks!

Excellent Fun!

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of The Page Turner Awards and it has added an extra dimension of excitement for my readers who have all been cheering me on!

It was such a thrill to hear the news that I was a finalist and as a result my book has gained even more interest - hurrah!


Honored to Be Acknowledged

The Page Turner Awards are an inspiring gift to writers. The benefits of these awards reach beyond the exceptional opportunities for authors to showcase their unpublished manuscripts or find an agent or publisher; they also bestow hope, affirmation, momentum, and encouragement that can get writers

Great way to get seen!

I'm so grateful that writing competitions like The Page Turner Awards exist. Paula and Ken support new emerging talent. Without them, increasing one's reach in this ever competitive creative arena is made even more difficult. So I thank you. A message to any writer thinking about entering (the

Where a writer's dreams can come true...

My book has been in many competitions but the Page Turner Awards has impressed me the most for its professionalism, communication, dedication to supporting talented writers and opening doors to new and exciting talent.

A stunning list of literary judges and literary prizes makes the Page Turner

What a year!!

Wow! A rollercoaster of emotions as I placed 15 submissions into this competition and then...the wait begins. Countdown to August - did I make any finalist...YES!!!

Stomach churning, crying uncontrollably with joy and pride, and then...Another long wait for the Longlist...Will I, won't I...YES

Well Done Page Turner Awards 2020

To have be listed as a finalist in the E-Book Page Turner awards 2020 was a wonderful piece of news to receive. Paula and her team have encouraged a real community of writers to share their writing journeys behind this excellent and prestigious award. Oliver Richbell, Author of Gloriana.

Inspirational feedback

Page Turner's feedback has been excellent, far exceeding advice from other editors.

Many thanks to the judges and everyone at Page Tuner for this uplifting opportunity.

Stellar Awards With Genuinely Supportive Communication

I’m incredibly honoured and grateful for the three awards my children’s books received from the prestigious Page Turner Awards in 2022. The comments my books received from readers and fellow authors on the Page Turner Awards website have been nothing short of encouraging. I enjoyed attending the

Kirkus Indie Review - Compassion anchors a young theologian in this thoughtful tale.

Religion can engender feelings of anxiety about the constraints of church doctrine as followers mature into their understandings about life and the world. For Paolo Venticinque, an Italian seminarian working as a Jesuit high school teacher, those constraints don’t cause him to question his faith but

Honored to Be Acknowledged Again

The Page Turner Awards are an inspiring gift to writers. The benefits of these awards reach beyond the exceptional opportunities for authors to showcase their unpublished manuscripts or find an agent or publisher; they also bestow hope, affirmation, momentum, and encouragement that can get writers

What A Wonderful Experience

The PageTurner crew does a fantastic job of keeping entrants notified of the process and of creating community. I look forward to staying in touch with them and witnessing more of the process!

Specific Point In My 5-Page Critique

Thank you very much for your critique on my first five pages. It is truly helpful. I like the fact that you have indicated very specific areas I could work on to improve my writing, and not simply given me a vague and generic critique. I agree with everything you've said and it's given me a lot of

Top Tier International Contest

Ken, Paula, I can't thank you two enough for your ongoing efforts on behalf of me, and all other contestants, to put our best foot forward.
Your advice, counsel, and support are not only greatly appreciated...they're top-tier.

Page Turner Awards deserve more recognition

I am very grateful for not only being a winner but also for your devotion, positivity and humor. You are kind-hearted and hardworking people. I wish you and Page Turner Awards all the best!

Unflappable - 6 Steps To Staying Happy, Centered, Peaceful No Matter What

"WOW! What a work of wisdom Unflappable is! It weaves wisdom from many traditions for those who aspire to live a mystical and meaningful life while staying centered and grounded. A profoundly practical guide for anyone dancing with the tides of change, complexity, immensity, and the uncertainty of

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

“No one addresses the importance and power of fun for your retirement years better than Milan Schwarzkopf! Living Your Best Third Act is a masterpiece that humanizes your retirement plan and creates the ultimate guide to living your most complete and happy twilight years. Read it, apply it, and reap

Success! The Page Turner Awards turned my novel into an Audiobook

Thank you Paula & Ken,

Two years ago, I was lucky enough to win the Page Turner Audio book award, and secured a contract with Spectrum Publications. This weekend, the winning novel, 'Heartbreak' was released as an audiobook on Audible. Kelly at Spectrum brought in two of the finest narrators in

Book Adaptation

The Page Turner Award book adaptation screenwriter did a wonderful job of converting my book into screenplay form while having to condense so much story line. Very impressed with his talents!

Thank you Page Turner.

I am so grateful to Page Turner, not just for shortlisting FINDING RUBY for the book award, but for the whole experience. This is the first competition I have entered and I am so glad I chose a massive, professionally run, international competition like Page Turner. I have since realised just how

An amazing experience!

There are plenty of contests to enter out there, but this has been the most accessible for me. I really enjoyed being able to post my work and see the work of others. It was both intimidating and enlightening. Regardless of the outcome, this has made me a more confident writer, and I'm so grateful


I am so delighted to be one of your finalists - how very exciting! I look forward to communicating with other authors, and hearing the further results.

Many thanks for giving us all this opportunity.

All the best, Sue writing as Stella Jackson

Career-launching Award

In 2022, I received a Page Turner Award for Genre (Romance.) At that time, I had no published books. A year later, I had contracts with traditional publishers in both the U.K. and U.S. for two series (the first of them launching on May 7, 2024), seven novels in all. Book One of one of those series,

Life Changing Awards

Entering the Page Turner Awards truly changed my writing life, which for me is beyond exciting. It’s because what Paula and Ken have achieved with this Writing Award goes so much further than a completion.

It never felt like being about winners and losers and they gave so much time and energy to

MAYA MYSUN & The World That Does Not Exist

"... would recommend this to any reader that enjoyed the Harry Potter books" by Book Beast

Great contest!!!

I have enjoyed being part of the Page Turner Awards and am thrilled to be a finalist :) Great work organizers, for your dedication in putting out a great contest.


We know that it must take loads of work and dedication to organize and run Page Turner Awards. Thank you, Paula and Ken.

Blown Away by Page Turner Awards!

I am a veteran of book awards, and managed to even win a few, but I have never received anything for my awards except the opportunity to buy award stickers.

I was skeptical when approached by a new book award, but I decided to throw my hat in the ring one last time. I was shocked when my book


I've much appreciated being part of this process. It is such a privilege to have so many professionals in the industry look over your work, and the gradation of services and awards available mean that this prize caters for many different sorts of writer. An excellent initiative.

The Page Turner

Thank you for this opportunity

The Page Turner Awards 2020 has been a wonderful opportunity to get some validation for my work. I entered at the last minute and was too late to have my work edited but was surprised and delighted to be among the finalists. Thank you for the lovely button which I have displayed on my website. The

I found the submission process to be easy-peasy.

This is my second year in the Page Turner Awards and I just wanted to say how simple the submission process is in 2022 .

Follow the prompts and take it step by step. You can make corrections and additions later if need be.

I would recommend adding some extras to your package. My personal

Thank you!

Thank you to the judges for selecting my book The Guardian's Legacy as one of the finalists in this year's Page Turner Awards. I am honoured and humbled to be amongst such talented writers. I'd also like to extend my thanks to Ken and Paula, and their team for their extraordinary work in making

Great Examples on 5-Page Critique

I appreciate this feedback for my 5-Page Critique, especially the examples, concrete suggestions for enlivening the writing. All the comments make good sense and are clear.

Exciting, rigorous, rewarding!

There are some writing awards which are mechanical. You pay, you wait, and you get an award. That seems to happen regardless of the quality of the material submitted. Not so the Page Turner Awards. From the start the process is well organised and professional, and the works chosen to go through from

Most Active Concern and Communication

Ken and Paula, I have to thank you both for being so communicative during this process. I've entered about 100 competitions over the past year with my two scripts, and this is the most active concern and communication I've received from any competition. Thank you!

Martin Gassner, Liechtenstein Fiduciary Expert for Wealth Structurinq and Estate Planninq

“Milan Schwarzkopf's understanding that a complete and balanced retirement is much more than the financial aspect of a plan! His book teaches the new fundamentals of retirement that most people desperately want and need. This is a must read for yourself and for your loved ones!”

- Martin Gassner

A Moment of Gratitude and Excitement: The Goddess's Wards Named Page-Turner Awards Finalist!

Today, I am overwhelmed with joy and excitement as I share some incredible news with you. My book, "The Goddess's Wards," has been selected as one of the finalists in the prestigious Page-Turner Awards! 📚🎉

I can't help but feel excitement and nervousness, but no matter the outcome, I know this

People like you help people like me take a chance!

I cannot thank you enough for putting together the Page Turner Awards, it has been a wonderful experience. I'd wanted to write since I was 6, but life took me another route for a long, long, time.

This is the first thing I've written, and I've been absolutely overcome with self-doubt, and walked

A Great Honour

Winning Book Adaptation Needed was a great honour. With so many entries from talented writers in the running, I was thrilled my work connected with the judges. It is a rare and amazing feeling to actually receive something you desperately want.

Now that I have my screenplay in hand, I am looking

The Todd Family

Whether I win or not, Page Turner has become a part of my literary life. Not only is the organization a well developed platform, but there are actual people who will reply to an inquiry! I look forward to participating in Page Turner Awards for many years to come.

Thanks For All You Do For Writers

Thank you so much. And a huge thanks to you and your team for everything you do for new writers. Super excited!

Confidence Boosting

In an endless sea of form letter query rejections, the Page Turner Awards sit like an island of respite. A chance to get professional feedback and encouragement. Being a finalist was what I needed to have the fortitude to continue on my writing journey.

Best thing ever

Thank you Page Turner Awards for choosing me as a 2022 finalist for the Mentorship Award - it was a fantastic piece of news that has given me a real boost. So many competitions are for fully completed/polished manuscripts only, so the opportunity to win mentorship at an earlier stage is invaluable

Excellent Awards Competition

The Page Turner Awards is an excellent competition for writers at all levels. What I particularly like is that an entrant is able to receive editor feedback ahead of time before the entry deadline and resubmit work if changes have been made, not leaving the writer locked into a mistake or a change

Supporting Writers

Thanks for running these awards and all you do to support writing and writers. It’s much appreciated.

Take their advice

Ken & Paula have created something special at Page Turner Awards. They provide writers like me with an opportunity to showcase our work. Then they hand-hold you through the much so that you feel they're pulling for you. Then they give you access to great editors who are worth every

The Wildly Quiet Presence Of God: Musings Of A Modern Maketplace Mystic

Insight Revelations

“Lovely intimate glimpses into the personal and insightful revelations reflecting a torrid love affair with the Divine. Ragini gracefully expresses the profundities of paradox with poetic prose. She transports you into transcendent realms where vibrant imagery grounds the

A wonderful experience

I entered the young writer's award 2021 after the completion of my first novel. The publishing world being as tough - and sometimes intimidating - as it is, I was unsure of what step to take first in order to get my book out there. I can only say that the Page Turner Award so far has been an

Great opportunity for authors

A huge thank you to Paula and Ken for instigating the Page Turner Awards. This has been a great opportunity for authors to share their work and gain recognition in the wider world. The number of prizes and awards handed out to so many successful recipients has been astounding. Thanks again for your

This Was My First Time Entering a Writing Contest

I had a great experience with the 2023 Writing Award. I had always heard that writing contests are mostly scams, but the Page Turner Awards is definitely not! My novel was shortlisted and I had a publisher request my full manuscript (which is something that I have yet to achieve through traditional

Fix My Heart —Embracing Good Over Evil

This was my first experience of having my work entered for judging. It was thrilling and intimidating at the same time. I have enjoyed spreading Page Turner Award accolades on my social media and receiving such positive feedback from readers. It is very encouraging as a writer to hear one's writing

A Class Act

The Page Turner Awards team of Ken and Paula Sheridan is a class act in a literary scene which now sports a veritable circus of contests. Their remarkable attention to the needs of their authors sets them apart. Enter in and see for yourselves.

It All Begins Here...

The Page Turner Awards keeps going from strength to strength as they bring new possibilities to indies and open doors once firmly closed to us. I have entered my books into their awards every year and cannot overstate the value of this contest. The Page Turner Awards gives indies who would normally

Thanks Page Turner Awards

I appreciate the effort you've put into making the Page Turner Awards a rewarding experience. Its been an invaluable opportunity to get my book in front of those in the media industry. Thanks for helping my book be seen by those who need to read it. Geoff

Agent evaluation

I opted for an agent evaluation of the first 3,000 words of my manuscript. The feedback I received covered formatting and overall narrative and was easy to understand.

I found it helpful to have an objective, third-party evaluation from someone in the industry who was viewing the work for the

A "Wow!"Contest

I've been very impressed with how this contest keeps entrants up to date on what's happening and their excellent communication. Also, they offer some great classes--I'm getting ready to learn how to pitch my manuscript to the film industry. Cool, right?

Feedback was helpful and worth the money!

David was great! Feedback was helpful and worth the money! The feedback he provided on the first 10 pages, I’m now applying to the rest of the book.

Awesome Pitch Deck Optional Extra

My pitch deck looks awesome. Paula, you did a great job and I really appreciate your hard work!! Thank you so much!

Page Turner Awards Brings Out Your Best

I submitted to the 2021 Page Turner Awards competition as a completely unknown writer. What amazed me about the whole process, above all else, was the personal touch of the PTA team. It felt as though they were my personal advisors from the very beginning. I applied for a writing critique, which was

Contest Professionalism

I'm tremendously impressed by the professionalism that the Page Turner team has displayed in managing this award contest. No matter how it turns out, I'l always be grateful for how kind they have been to everyone involved. Everyone involved has been a winner. I'll gladly participate again.

Great opportunity!

I’m so glad to be a finalist for the 2020 Page Turner Awards. Paula has created a fantastic award which really celebrates writing talent. Her thorough approach and desire to help writers shine is evident, particularly with the PR package element where she helps provide some excellent publicity for

A Dynamic and Important Outlet for Authors!

Page Turner Awards provides a vital and much-needed outlet for authors - I have found it a really worthwhile experience that I can heartily recommend to other writers of diverse genres!

Writing Award Longlist

So honoured and delighted to be on the longlist and very best wishes to all those longlisted wonderful novelists

The Emerald Diaries - Secrets of an Irish Clan

The people working here (Paula and Ken especially) are very responsive, friendly and helpful.

I am incredibly impressed with all of you and the evident care and professionalism you all carry.

Slán go fóill,

Mary Murphy

Finalist 2023

More Than a Competition

I'm so pleased I entered the Page Turner competition. Not because I got anywhere - I didn't. But because the feedback from Private Feedback was invaluable. It was detailed and to the point, and I could tell all of my submission had been read. I also took part in the 1-2-1 with Yasmin Kane. What an

Stephen Hodge's Film Pitch Workshop

Every writer should create a ‘logline’ which they can use as a guiding star when writing or editing their work. I took part in Stephen Hodge's Film Pitch workshop to create, develop and refine my ‘logline’ and learn how to present it to a film producer.

I found Stephen’s advice to be invaluable

5-Page Critique Great Feedback

Thank you so much for my 5-Page Critique! Great feedback! Things like this are so helpful to me as an author!

Very detailed, actionable and well-structured 5-Page Critique

Thanks for this 5-Page Critique. Very detailed, actionable and well-structured. Your comments on more sensory details to bring the setting to life and showing more of Will’s inner world particularly resonates with me, as it fits with other feedback I’ve had.

Rewarding Literary Award

I'm very glad to have entered and have recommended it to my local author society for next year's competition. Page Turner Awards (already!) stands out as an unusually accessible and rewarding literary award and I look forward to the winners' continued success as their stories reach new audiences!

Give it a go

The Page Turner Awards 2020 has been a ray of light in an otherwise dark year. Paula and Ken have done a great job running the competition, and Paula’s communication throughout the process has been faultless. If you have a writing project you’ve been working on that you’d like to ‘put out there’ I


It is with great pleasure that I would like to announce that I am a Finalist in the 2022 Page Turner Awards for Writers.

The Page Turner Awards are based and registered in England and Wales, but are open to any and all authors, writers and screenwriters from all over the world.

This award is

Home to Roost by David Lea

Page Turner has provided a significant boost to my confidence as a writer and my productivity. I had taken years to finish the novel, re-writing, reading books on writing, going on courses about writing, joining webinars about writing, finding an urgent need to tidy the cupboard under the stairs and

What an Honour!

Being a part of the Page Turner Award has been an honour. From hearing about it, submission, contact, being informed of becoming a finalist and being updated by Paula, all touchpoints have been smooth and pleasant.

This is the first time I have entered a writing competition of this renown and I

Book Adaptation To Script

Thank you for my book adaptation script. It's very surreal to read through my story in this format! It reads really well, and I'm really happy with it. Please pass on my thanks to the book adaptation screenwriter!

Thank you also for keeping me informed, Paula. I really appreciate your support

Valuable Editor Suggestions

This is the first time I have used an editor. I was very happy with David’s editing service. He made some valuable suggestions, which I implemented, and I’ve had an idea for adding a little foreshadowing.

Real Kindness

I love your contests! Very well run with real kindness towards your entrants. Many thanks for your help

Feel inspired and encouraged about your work

The Page Turner Awards are a wonderful way to feel inspired and encouraged about your work. Connecting with other authors and receiving their feedback is also a bonus, as sometimes writing can be a solitary experience, one that is filled with buoyant optimism one moment and total self-doubt the next

Page Turner Writing Award 2021

The 2021 Writing Award was an invaluable experience that helped me improve my technical skills and gain confidence to continue pursuing my goals as a writer.

I was able to learn about the industry and obtain objective third-party feedback that I found very useful. Being able to see and

Thank You For Successful Awards Ceremony

First, a big thank you to you both for all your work in putting the Page Turner Awards together. I can only imagine the endless hours that were spent behind the scenes making this the successful event that it was.
Second, I am still stunned over the surprise award that was given to DAWGS

Selling Your Screenplay Prize Recommendation

‘I wanted to let you know that Selling Your Screenplay has already turned around coverage on Gloves and I couldn't be more delighted with it.

Not only did the reader offer great advice for the feature iteration, but they gave Gloves a 'Recommend' which is a grade awarded to less than 3% of the

Nurturing and Raising Enthusiasm

Having been a Finalist in the 2020 Page Turner Awards is very gratifying, especially because it was The Page Turner Awards first year of hosting, nurturing and raising enthusiasm for such an event.

To pull this together so expertly, especially with the pandemic affecting everyone involved and

This is real help to those pursuing a writing career

I never considered myself a writer as I still cannot type (even emailing takes too long); however, because of the global turmoil today and all the suffering I've witnessed over the years, I've been compelled to share my discoveries and little-known secrets in a book (coming out this year)—so

Thank you Page Turner Awards!

I was so honored to receive the award for best children's picture book! I was very impressed with the award ceremony and feel fortunate to be a part of your winning team. I hope to read some of the amazing winning books and also get to know some of you. Thanks for a great experience!

Highlight of My Year

My novel is Downton Abbey set in the USA, and involves the historic houses along the Hudson River Valley as well as The White House. So, it has a cinematic backdrop.

Winning the Book Adaptation Award was the highlight of my year, and receiving a script as a prize is unbelievably precious - the

A big thank you to all judges

I do thank each and every judge who was part of the process. Thank you for taking the time to read our stories. This was a big learning curve for me.

Thank you Page Turner Awards for the opportunity and hosting a fine competition.

A really enjoyable competition!

I'm not just saying this because I made it to the shortlist for my category, but I have really enjoyed being part of this competition. There was great communication throughout from the organisers, so we always knew exactly what was happening, what was going to happen, and when, including updates on

What could be better than receiving recognition from Page Turner Awards

This is my first submission and I am honored to be recognized among so many other writers. Having retired I was able to concentrate on the one thing I have always dreamed about, and with the amazing assistance from both Paula and Ken, entered Page Turner Awards for this year. When the news arrived

Much needed

Writing can be such a solitary activity. Awards such as these are a great way of bringing the writing community out into the light and celebrating our creativity. So many people get great enjoyment from books, but we must not forget that books don't write themselves and often involve months or years

Excellent Editing Option

My development edit was done quickly. David's service was excellent and I received very constructive feedback.

Helping Writing Careers!

Thank you! The Awards Ceremony was an exciting day for me and a great honour. I’m especially excited to know I will be in contact with Janet from the Susan Mears Agency. Janet wrote a very complimentary comment about my book that you posted earlier in the contest.

I want to thank you again

Jim Connolly, CEO Chef

“The author, Milan Schwarzkopf, has a real handle on the make up of a successful retirement. By addressing his four key areas of living, he has provided a complete picture of living your best life after your career is complete. It’s refreshing to know that a book was written by someone who learned


Having been a Writing Awards finalist in the Page Turner Awards 2021, I couldn't wait to re-enter more polished submissions in 2022. David's editorial feedback has been incisive and a huge encouragement. It is great to be able to edit and update the extracts being considered. I have been

Longlist delight

I entered these awards at the recommendation of a friend and with an view to giving myself some focus. I had no expectation of being a finalist and I'm so delighted to be on the list for this years awards. The sense of validation that gives is wonderful and the whole process is done with real

Page Turner Awards create winners.

In 2020, I thought about entering the Page Turner Awards, but my work wasn't quite ready and I didn't want to rush. I was pleased to see how well it was run and I took advantage of a consult with a literary agent. This lead to revisions and my entry in this year's awards.

As a writer, the most

Impressive panel of judges

I found the people behind The Page Turner Awards to be supportive and helpful. They've assembled an impressive panel of judges and a great range of categories to consider entering.

As a writer I know it's a tough, competitive and often heartbreaking journey trying to find a home for your

Red Light and Bell

“Written with an insider's knowledge, an utterly addictive, fun thriller revealing, the darker side of showbiz. I loved it!”

Melanie Chisholm

AKA Sporty Spice

What was good just got a thousand times better. Where will it end for Daisy and Danny, two characters, I actually care about

2023 Page Turner Awards

Wow! What more is there that I can say to describe the 2023 Page Turner Awards than that? Just wow!

The organisers & hosts, Ken & Paula, were warm, wonderful, and incredibly giving people, not just of their time, but of their desire to really bring success to us indie writers, and for it to really

Endorsements For Beyond Potential


“This wonderful, inspiring book gives you a blueprint in the journey to mastering your true power and finding your true self. Read it, apply it, and let these ideas change your life.”
Brian Tracy

CEO, Brian Tracy International; Speaker; Consultant; Author

“Beyond Potential is

Ing. Igor Bielik, Founder and Mentor, Moneco Ltd.

Absolutely loved this book! Whether you're approaching retirement or just starting out in your career, this book offers valuable insights and inspiration. It reframes retirement not as an ending, but as a new and exciting chapter in life.

The author's message is clear: retirement is a time for

How To Write A Logline

I was delighted to take part in Stephen Hodge’s tutorial on ‘How to write a logline.’ Stephen is very perceptive and quick in his analysis of potential loglines. His advice is clear and direct and generously given. And good-humoured!

The Pen, Knights Templar Treasure

TESTIMONIALS for The Pen, Knights Templar Treasure

“Dennis Galloway’s The Dream Traveler’s Tales Series books titled, The Pen, are classic adventure stories filled with time travel, magic, and loveable characters. Although an entertaining tale, each book also contains life lessons that make this

Entering this contest brought my writing up a solid notch

Entering this contest brought my writing up a solid notch. I say that because of all the polish and confidence needed before submitting, and especially because the feedback from your Page Turner editor (David Imrie) I signed up for woke-up whole new avenues for improvement. What a wonderful

Wow Editorial Feedback

Wow! Your editor's feedback is amazing and he is on my team…(!) I’ll take his advice and re-write as directed

Amazing prize giving evening

The Page Turner Awards Ceremony was thoroughly enjoyable, it really had a special feel to it. Best Zoom meeting ever? Certainly in ages. Thanks again for all your efforts, they really showed. The multiple forms of support to so many authors – mentoring, agents, writing aids, publication deals are

Chris Croft, Chris Croft Training, Author and Speaker

“This is a unique book, tackling a very important but much neglected subject. It’s really easy to avoid thinking about one’s old age, until it’s too late. This guide is very thorough. It deals with all of the objections in a systematic way, and it covers every part of the subject, not just the

The editing service was incredibly valuable!

The editing service was incredibly valuable! For me, it was the first time I had a professional look at my work. I was nervous but thrilled to have the opportunity. David provides the perfect feedback with kindness and direction. I wish I had the money, and he had the time to go through the entire

Wow! A Saucer Full of Secrets is a finalist

My stories are woven through with magic.

To have reached the Page Turner Awards 2023 as a finalist in both the Book Award and the Book Cover Award is a very magical thing.

The submission process is beautifully simple. You just need to find the courage to try.

I can't express how glad I am

Einstein's Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure

Thank you Page Turner Awards for honoring my novel, "Einstein's Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure", with the

2023 First Finalist Book Award in the YA Category.

Congratulations to all the 2023 First Finalist Book Award Winners. Hard work is paying off now.

I am excited to know my novel

Thank you to the team at Page Turner Awards

Applying to the Page Turner Awards has been eye-opening for me. The experience has been far more than simply launching a few pages of my precious baby into a void and hoping an invisible body likes my stuff enough to give me a thumbs-up. The Page Turner Awards is a celebration and a synthesis of

Hugely Encouraging

Reaching the Finals of these of the Awards is hugely encouraging. It’s validation that the bumpy road to a finished work is worth the effort and I’m very grateful to the Page Turner Award team for the opportunity to present my work. Thank you.

The most active concern and communication in over 100 contests

I have to thank you both for being so communicative during this process. I've entered about 100 competitions over the past year with my two scripts, and this is the most active concern and communication I've received from any competition.

Wonderful Experience

The whole process has been really smooth and Paula very helpful when needed. Although I didn’t tweak the entry once uploaded, I appreciated retaining control of the submission up to the deadline. Getting through to the final has been a massive confidence booster – thank you.

Return to Baghdad

I'm pleased and honored to have been chosen as a finalist for the 2022 Page Turner Writers Award. Congratulations to all my fellow finalists!

Greg Bayer

Accessible & PR-Friendly!

Loved how Page Turner Awards gave me a fresh way to promote my book. It's a highly accessible contest with a well-thought-out structure and helpful communication, especially for newer/early-career authors.

All the best to the finalists—I'm looking forward especially to seeing new stories finding

Feeling Like a Winner!

When I saw this contest, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. All I knew was that I had to give it a try. I have always been a little down on myself when it came to my writing. Lately, I have been trying to step out of my comfort zone and step into a few places in my world that may be


I am really excited that this book is getting noticed! There have been dozens of books written about veterinary medicine from the vet's point of view but nothing from the point of view of the veterinary nurse. My novel follows a nurse's experience with several patients - all cases I have actually

Film Pitch Mentorship Workshop with Stephen Hodges

This was a super experience and very, very useful. Stephen explained clearly what a pitch was and how to do one. In fact, there are several varieties of pitch!

In evaluating our work, he was specific, and kind. I found his critique helped me refine what I need to say in a pitch. Above all, let

Impressive, Enlightening and Friendly!

This is my first competition, so I had no idea what to expect. The experience was a most pleasant surprise. The overall professionalism of Paula and her team is impressive. Paula's prompt and friendly replies were most encouraging too. I would recommend any aspiring writer to enter because there is

Dan McCrory

This process, though slowed by a world pandemic, has been a real nail-biter. In terms of suspense. I've read excerpts of the works of my fellow contestants, and I am awed by the company I'm in. First, to be singled out as a finalist is a great honor. Second, to be recognized by the Page Turner

PageTurner Awards has given me so much confidence

I wanted to send an email to you all to say thank you for what has been a truly wonderful experience. Last night's ceremony really blew me away. The whole evening was amazing and the speakers were truly inspirational. My partner who was listening in off-camera loved it and actually left the room

Great Logline Rewrite Service

Thanks so much for my logline rewrite. You have given me a great start in formulating a logline that best fits the novel. I now have a very good idea of how to write an appropriate logline for my novel; a really helpful exercise, thank you.

A Happy Writer

Please on my appreciation to your editor, Kayla, for her prompt and thorough review of my submission, “Reluctant to Lead.”.

Her encouragement will help keep me going on this project that seems endless. She pointed out some ways to improve this part of my memoir and aspects that worked well. I'm a

Phenomenal award ceremony

I just wanted to thank you again for the phenomenal award ceremony. The people I invited to watch it were beyond impressed with the Page Turner Awards and the entire show--they can't stop talking about it!

I am also delighted to have won a book adaptation and can’t wait to see my book as a film

A generous thing to encourage writers

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and Ken - what a generous thing to do, to help and encourage writers in this way. Obviously, I'm absolutely thrilled to have won a writing mentorship and looking forward to connecting with Nikki and letting her work her magic on me!

You are so considerate of writers' emotional wellbeing

I am at a watershed moment. Any input I can gain at this stage of my writing career is pure gold.

I want to tell you how pleased and gratified I am to have made a showing in the 2022 Page Turner Awards. Like many writers, I enter this or that contest. But none has been so well managed, so

Have enjoyed every minute!

Thanks to the Page Turner Awards for creating such a hospitable and encouraging atmosphere. The staff has been friendly, helpful, and well organized. Not only have I had the excitement of entering the competition, but I've also been connected to workshops and other useful tools for furthering my

Forever Catalunya

Stephen's Logline Workshop was very inspirational and his reactions gave me so much hope. Stephen was so good to listen to and I learned so much!

Fantastic 5-page critique

Thank you so much, this is really helpful (and confidence building) thank you! As this is the first children's book I have written myself it is good to know I am on the right track with it and see where to go next.

Fantastic 5-page critique, thank you!

Well done

The Page Turner Awards offer an opportunity for writers to improve their skills, no matter the outcome of the contests. Take the chance to improve, and even if not a finalist or other winner, the experience will be helpful.

I appreciate Paula's time and patience in coordinating the contests, as

You strive to help writers and authors

I just wanted to thank you for the great job you did with the Awards Ceremony. It means so much to have people like you who strive to help writers and authors.

Thank you for all your hard work!

Gratitude for Page Turner Awards

I'm grateful to Page Turner Awards for their kind assistance and communication through the submission process of my unpublished manuscript "Caution: Mermaid Crossing, Voyages of a Motherless Daughter". This is the first time I've entered an international contest and had no idea what to expect. I was

Encouraging Feedback

I found Page Turner's offer of an editing service very helpful. I have not used an editor before and this provided an easy introduction to the service. I was pleasantly surprised and impressed by the editor and will use his service again.

David’s comments and feedback were very constructive and

Rare Writing Contest

I am honored to be a finalist with my script RARE AS RED HAIR! Regardless of how I do from this point going forward in this competition, I just wanted the organizers to know what a classy and respectful contest this has been.

I will definitely share my experience with my fellow writers and wish

Brilliant Logline Rewrite

My logline rewrite is brilliant! Everything is summarized in just two sentences, and the logline now lives and breathes action. Thanks ever so much for my logline rewrite!