Win a professional editorial critique of your novel from Gale Winskill

Win a professional editorial critique of your novel from Gale Winskill

Gale Winskill from Winskill Editorial will be judging the Page Turner Writing Award in 2025, and is offering to read one lucky winner’s novel and provide them with a critique – sometimes also called a ‘manuscript assessment’ – of their work.

A critique takes the form of a written report and includes:

• reading the text to see whether it is suitable for publication or submission in its current state, and whether it is appropriate for the author’s proposed audience.
• offering feedback on plot, characterization, point of view, voice, use of language, marketability, target audience, standard of writing, and so on.
• highlighting areas of the text that could be improved and offering specific suggestions for doing so.
• emphasizing the novel’s strengths while offering constructive criticism about the weaker elements of the work.

Please note, it does NOT include any direct input on the text itself.

Gale is an Advanced Professional member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) and has a wide range of experience across fiction and non-fiction, including structural/developmental editing and copy-editing, as well as proofreading and critiquing. She was previously a judge for a UK children’s book award and counts various prize-winning authors among her clients.

Gale also provides training to both authors and editors on various elements of fiction writing and editing, and tutors for the CIEP and the HarperCollins Author Academy.

Whatever its genre, Gale enjoys spotting a manuscript’s potential and considers helping an author to develop and find their voice one of the best parts of her job.

For more information about Gale, her services, as well as client testimonials, please take a look at:

Professional Book-Editing & Proofreading Services

Prize Value: for a critique of one novel of between 50,000 and 80,000 (max.) words in length, the prize value is £500–£800.