Charlotte Valentine

Author Charlotte Valentine is judging the Page Turner Book Award

Author Charlotte Valentine is judging the Page Turner Book Award.

After studying Law in London, Charlotte moved into the corporate world where she was a Managing Director in Investment Banking before leaving to pursue her love of literature and study for her MA with the Open University.

After completing a Faber Academy creative writing course, Charlotte published her debut romantic thriller novel, The Cerberus Affair, in May 2020. Her second novel, psychological thriller He Walks Past My House, followed in October 2023. Her next project, Midnight Mixology, is a collection of short stories.

Charlotte splits her time between London and southern Spain, where she shares her home with her son and a family of rescued cats.

I am thrilled to be one of the judges of the Page Turner Awards. Having fulfilled my own ambitions to write and publish, I’m excited to play my part in other aspiring writers’ journeys. I’m looking forward to reading compelling stories that capture my imagination and keep me thinking well after I’ve turned the last page.

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