Peace in the Midst of the Storm (Inspirational Poetry Book)

Going Through
Another day has passed and here I am once more
Patiently waiting on the precise moment when self-destruction succumbs to true happiness
Transitioning into a new life that breathes immense passion and newfound freedom that my well-being will adore
I want to be exalted into a meaningful place that dignifies genuine love instead of a harrowing emptiness
Excuse me for expressing how I truly feel
I am not well as my heart and my soul quietly ache
It’s so difficult to continue to live with such unstable pain that I desperately want to be unreal
I am this close to throwing in the towel because of the unmovable demons of doubt and brokenness that seem too stagnant to shake
This state of motionless grief that I am heavily consumed in has therefore left me speechless
Bottled up inside a contaminated mind, just realize that I am only going through
The settled darkness has polluted my inability to saturate in the welcoming light, leaving me an undesirable mess
Feeling blue and feeding negative energy in a decaying soul like a rotten honeydew
No need to worry . . . for the phase I am in is only temporary
Once again, I am only going through
The joy and happiness that I thrive for in life are what my heart longs to carry
Transcending into a comforting place of serenity will be a hopeful journey that my life will soon leap into
Lord, Remember Me
As I self-reflect on life’s difficult challenges and bountiful blessings
Being stricken with anxiety yet embracing divine prayer
Your evident grace and mercy has strengthened me to keep pressing
Father God, you’ve done more than enough as my wonderful counselor and waymaker
Falling short of meeting your expectations because of easy temptations
Disappointment often ensued as I turned my life astray from you
Realizing that Heaven is what I long for, following the loving example of Christ comes with much dedication
Father God, as I claim you as my Savior with a sincere heart, my life in your hands has become greatly anew
Your still, small voice strengthens my ability to achieve my aspirations in life, while remaining spiritually intact
With the mistakes I have made, you still love me and continue to smile down on me as I can see
All of my help comes from you as a matter of fact
As time never ceases, Lord please remember me
I’m at peace knowing you will never leave me nor forsake me
For your spirit will remain in me forever and a day
My life will continue to pour out unto thee
Your presence and protection will always manifest without delay
Lord, remember me as I have fallen short of your glory
Renew my mind to embrace confidence instead of constant worry
From a pastor’s son, a child of you I will always be
Lord, please just remember me as my purpose is to be with you for eternity
Many times I disobeyed
Sometimes I intentionally did wrongful things
Rarely did I want to take responsibility for my nonchalant behavior
Father God, thank you for never giving up on me
As I have continued to ask for your desire to receive second chances
I know I’m not perfect but being more like you is all that I require to be
Loving myself and others is what I will always stand by as a beneficial stance
I choose to live the rest of my life in peace
Through my battles and mistakes, I’m forgiven
I know better so I’m doing better by putting childish things to a cease
The old me has washed away; maturity I was indeed given
When You Pray
The instant freedom
The lasting sensation
Your heart gradually placed back whole
The feeling of being consoled
When you pray, doesn’t your worries suddenly go away?
The end result being a dignified praise that you now carry with you each day
You are restored, resting with your mind and soul in quiet solitude
Nothing is sweeter than a private interlude that creates a wonderful change in sustaining a positive mood
When you pray, the Lord is working on your behalf
The best is yet to come
Stand in monumental faith as the miracles fall and the angels harmoniously hum
Stand in spiritual justice for your prayers will be answered in due time
When you pray, the relationship you build with the Lord is complete
You feel the urge to talk to him about anything, especially when you believe you have no one else to talk to
The everlasting joy you will spread, the worry that you will beat
Think of the love that the Lord has always had and will continue to have for you
Pray with conviction
Pray with action
Always remember to pray on your good and rough days
For when you pray, you will be at rest
Dear Lord,
Another glorious day has come and I pray that we continue to be more like you
We should not become discouraged when our obstacles attempt to overpower us as your grace and mercy has always brought us through
Help us to be grateful for the small things
For breath in our bodies and sincere happiness supports what the meaning of life divinely brings
I pray that we will all see the bigger picture
Let us not remain comfortable where we easily stand
We have so much more to give; it is our true passion that brings us great rapture
Help us achieve prolonged success that will remain unmoved on our names, our legacies, and our brands
I’m asking you to hold our hands to guide us every step of the way
Place your footprints on our direct paths as we walk towards what you need us to be
May our positive emotions not be shifted by the misty skies presented to us dull and gray
Open our eyes to explore our dreams that you have set into reality
Lord, remind us to remember you
It’s so disheartening to forget you as we know we’re not perfect
We can be our own hypocrites and these are definitely some hard words to chew
As we feel the need to sin, may your voice come through and intersect
I thank you for being who you are
Without you, we would be nothing
Your guiding light and seamless love have brought us this far Lord, thank you for simply being our everything
In Jesus name that I pray,
The Revival
Our old, crooked ways have freely departed from us
We’re no longer tamed to what we were in the past
Our toxic emotions have been cremated, where the ashes have passed away into the sea of forgetfulness
How sweet it is to make a conscious decision to celebrate new life
Grooming positive thoughts and actions
Nurturing spiritual health
Changing ourselves into more polished brands of what we should aspire to be
The value of growth, what one sees as a ultimate victory
We had to want and do better for ourselves
To elevate and not to hinder
To rise and not to fall
To serve and not to be selfish
We have finally accepted ourselves as grown adults
Childish mentalities left behind
Simple-minded thoughts suddenly lost in plain sight
We have been revived
Armed in mercy
Forgiveness that was shared
The jury acquitted us from a life in utter disrepair
Shame we no longer feel as we have been revived into greater beings
What you speak into existence is the summary of everything you wrote
Just be mindful your tongue does not lash out what you will later regret
When the Sun comes up, take a good look
Only in darkness you won’t stay long; the next day, you will rise
Your scars will heal
Inevitable strength that your soul will gain
Your feelings won’t be entrapped by hurtful judgements
Delivered from the subjected pain your inner demons caused when you assumed your life was in vain
You’re no longer insane
For the baggage that was once chained to your mind has been removed
The day you embrace when you will reap tears of joy because you have decided to rise
Your demeanor reflects insecurities
Untapped potential because of your unhealthy habit to compare
Grant yourself the aspect of obtaining truthful courage and rightful liberty
Remember, the Lord made you perfect in his image; he’ll never put more on you than you can bear
You pass away slowly like a leaf dissected from its branch
Withering away with the grass
Stained with the mud and the dirt that has accumulated your present life
Oh how wonderful it is when you plant your seed of faith on the brink of giving up
Just as soon as the rain floods necessary abundance will you rise as proud as a beautiful sunflower
Your manifestation awaits you
The endearing future that you couldn’t see is now embodied into your destiny
You no longer settle for less, your obstacles decompressed, a table you have built where your enemies have become your guests
See how quick the tables have turned
You rose above the madness
The prideful opinions masqueraded as distracted noises
All because you continue to fly high instead of waiting to die
Let Your Light Shine
Aren’t you proud of yourself?
Radiating with such positive energy and beaming with perfect health
Those around you astonished, wrongfully contemplating that you would stumble and fall with nothing left
Instead, they feel ashamed because of how you openly emerged with great wealth
Others mistreated you with bruised intentions, you forgave them
Your name was mentioned in foolish gossip, you ignored it
You have the last laugh because of your desire to let your light shine, instead of letting it dim
Your presence only disturbed their stubborn hearts because of your remarkable wit
You gained true respect and lost self-pity
You went through the fire only to be extinguished with grace
You speak and walk with divine favor that inspires plenty
An open heart many love to embrace
I gasp at the self-righteous despising your worth
For they are ignorant of your trying, yet incredible journey
Held back by their insecurities, you maintain the urge to move forth
Continue to unlock amazing opportunities with your humble spirit, you hold the master key
You won
You are handling the world just fine
So much more you have to accomplish as your work is not done
With a conqueror’s cry, let your light shine!