Lorie Givens

Since the debut of her award winning book, The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Conscious Living, Lorie Givens has been inspiring her community of readers to do just that. With a friendly down-to-earth style and a commitment to making a difference, she's now focused on authoring a series of children's books to help kids live more consciously, too. The first in this series is Pogo the Porpoise with a Purpose, and it's been inspiring kids across the globe to get involved in saving not only the planet but the many endangered species whose survival depends on us.

Award Category
Screenplay Award Category
If you've ever wondered what our animal friends might say to us about how we treat the planet, peek inside Pogo's world as he puts it all on the line and makes an appeal to kids for help. It's a must read that raises awareness about the world around us while inspiring change to the one within us.
Pogo the Porpoise with a Purpose - A Serious Appeal to Kids for Ocean Life, Conservation, and Climate Change
My Submission

My first ten pages are attached in a PDF format.

Pogo the Porpoise with a Purpose - A Serious Appeal to Kids for Ocean Life, Conservation, and Climate Change