Now an octogenarian it has taken almost forty years to commit my Jimmy Crikey stories to the publication. Jimmy was born on the beach at Great Yarmouth during a family seaside holiday. My five year old son and four of his new found friends had to shelter in our beach tent during a typically heavy summer shower. In order to keep the noise to acceptable levels my wife, Pat, implored me to tell them a story. I had been watching the children at play and their smallest member, and probably the youngest was being instructed to fetch and carry for his older friends. He jus happened to be fair skinned, blue eyed and was crowned with a bright red crop of ginger hair. But he was being bullied! He became the hero of my fantasy story which included witches and magic, wizards in the form of a Weatherman and a bit of tension with one eyed monsters. And over the course of the next few afternoons more adventures were required to keep the youngsters entertained.

Home was, and always will be, Durham where I lived the first forty plus years of my life; where I met my wife-to-be at the age of eleven but my family moved home a year later and we lost contact. We met again at the age of seventeen and have never been parted since, although our parents made us wait until we were twenty one. After I qualified at the age of twenty three I became involved in the sales and marketing of scientific instrumentation. A decade later my family were about to emigrate to South Africa but the company changed its mind, promoted me to Sales Manager and moved my family to its Sussex HQ. After a decade in Sussex and a decade in Hampshire we relocated to Lancashire where we now live on the outskirts of a beautiful rural town overlooking green fields.

Book Award Sub-Category
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The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: Radioactive!
My Submission

The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: Radioactive!

Chapter 1

Jimmy lay beside Annison, enjoying the warmth of the sunshine and her companionship. The broad beam of sunlight illuminated the sandy shoreline. Side by side on the sandy shore, next to the pool inside the extinct volcano’s caldera, holding hands, the mood was tranquil. Such moments were far too infrequent for Jimmy’s taste. Now in his early teens, getting together with a mermaid for any length of time was a minor miracle. They lived two very different lives.

Both lived on planet Earth, but Annison and her race of Aquamites were residents of Emerald Lake, which lay far below Roombelow, Jimmy’s adopted hometown. But their differences were never a problem when they were in each other’s company and conversation flowed freely.

Their relaxation was rudely interrupted by an enormous splash. “The walls of the volcano are collapsing,” yelled Annison. “Get me into the water quickly.” Jimmy lifted the mermaid and jumped directly into the pool with her in his arms. As soon as Annison hit the water, she swam down to the tunnel that led to Emerald Lake.

Enormous rocks fell from the volcano into the pool. The few fish that were having a leisurely swim took flight and sped through the entrance into the great ocean to seek safety. As far as Jimmy could see, none were injured, but he and Annison were quickly swimming down the tunnel leading to Emerald Lake. Jimmy paused for a moment and looked back.

The volcano’s walls were crumbling and would soon fill the pool beneath the disappearing volcano’s peak. Debris was raining down faster and faster, but Jimmy could do nothing. He turned and followed Annison, heading for Emerald Lake. His sapphire belt allowed him to breathe under the water, but he would have to wait until they reached the safety of Emerald Lake before they could talk about what was happening. Behind them, chaotic pressure waves travelled through the water and buffeted the friends from side to side, scraping flesh from Annison’s elbows, shoulders and tail. Jimmy was protected largely by the one-piece, silver Attalian, indestructible suit he wore whenever he visited Annison. The shock waves lessened as they swam further into the tunnels that led to Emerald Lake.

There was a link between their two worlds. An underground river flowed from Emerald Lake to fill the well in the centre of Roombelow. That did not mean getting from one place to the other was easy.

The problem was that the river’s tunnels were flooded to roof height. Jimmy could make the journey only because he had been gifted a magical belt from Witch Elwinn, the Guardian of Earth’s watery realms.

There were four Witch Guardians of Earth’s realms. Ira watched over the skies; Floella, the earth, sand rocks, pebbles and boulders; the fourth witch and leader of the coven had been Matilda for years and years until she was called to a higher realm and needed to appoint a successor. In terms of seniority, that should have been Elwinn. Contrary to all precedent, Matilda had appointed her recently qualified young pupil, Jade, as the new overall leader. There was no dispute, and Jade was now the leader of the witch’s coven.

She had been selected at an early age, just before she entered her teenage years. Matilda had passed on all the knowledge she had accumulated over hundreds of years. That did not make Jade a perfect witch. She would always be prone to make mistakes when casting a spell. That was not so surprising because there were lots of spells to remember. There were so many that frequent searches of the ancient scrolls store were essential. Even then, Jade was still likely to make a mistake or two. However, she now lived in the house on the hill that overlooked the town of Roombelow, and despite her youth, she was Head of the Coven.

Jimmy and Annison had not been thinking of anything but themselves, luxuriating in the wide beam of sunshine that shone down on them through the extinct volcano’s empty peak. This was the last pool with a beach before Emerald Lake joined the outside world’s ocean. It also happened to be where Jimmy had captured the Wormz that threatened all life on Earth.

The Wormz had taken several Aquamite lives during their short reign of terror. Annison would have ended up as one of their victims had Jimmy not transported her to his home planet of Attalia in his Starship. President Alpha had instructed the most technologically skilled physicians to save Annison after one of the Worms had bitten a chunk out of her fish-like tail. But even their skills were not enough to save her. It had taken an extraordinary intervention by the mysterious Master to heal her wound and restore her life.

When they were together, Jimmy only had eyes for her beautiful, light blue eyes and long intertwined emerald green and golden locks. There were limitations to their companionship because Annison always needed to keep the fluorescent green scales of her tail and skin moist, and, of course, she had no legs, so she needed to be carried over dry land. Jimmy did not find that imposition. He loved being with the Aquamite. They were never short of conversation, discovering more about Jimmy’s extraordinary life. She was never bored listening to his account of his many adventures since he was orphaned and left in the care of ‘Aunt’ Ethel in Esh Village on the upper Earth.

Jimmy led the way back to the safety of Emerald Lake but Annison stopped and turned around to witness the continuous rain of rocks and rubble falling into the tunnel that led to the open sea. Her eyes were wide with fear. Jimmy pulled her close in a hug and felt her heart beating wildly. He pointed towards Emerald Lake, and Annison nodded in agreement. She broke free from his arms, and while Jimmy began swimming to the lake, she could not resist looking back at the destruction that would cut off access to the ocean for the Aquamites.

Ahead, Jimmy beckoned her furiously. At that moment, the tunnel roof collapsed. Annison did not escape and was crushed under the falling wall of rocks. Horrified, Jimmy lost sight of the Aquamite. His closest friend in all the universe needed his help, but he was powerless to save her. He furiously attempted to remove the boulders that buried Annison. His fingers could not find traction on the boulders. Not only were the rocks slippery wet but they were too heavy for him to move. In despair he applied all his strength, straining every muscle in his body. But nothing moved. Then, at last, his mind began to work again, and he used the power of his sapphire belt to communicate with Witch Elwinn.

“Elwinn,” he transmitted his thought message, “Annison has been trapped in rock fall just as we left the extinct volcano, returning to Emerald Lake. I cannot move the rocks.”

“I’m on my way, Jimmy,” she responded. “I’ll only be a minute or two. Try to take some of the rocks off her. Reduce the weight that is crushing her.”

“Elwinn, the rocks are too heavy for me to move.”

“See if you can get some help from the Aquamites. I’ll not be long.”

Jimmy turned to swim towards Emerald Lake, but as he turned, he was met by a crowd of Aquamites, led by Milton and his companion, Vanaata, swimming towards him. They were trying to find the source of all the commotion. There was some silent communication between the Aquamites. They knew immediately that Annison was in trouble. They didn’t need Jimmy to tell them where she was trapped. They sensed her location sand started working together to remove the fallen rocks.

Santana and Coran were two of the strongest young male Aquamites, and side by side, they removed several boulders pressing down on the spot where Annison lay.

Jimmy could tell they could see Annison through a gap between boulders. They reported that she was safe but under tremendous pressure because the rocks that trapped her pressed around her body. At that moment, Elwinn arrived. Her blue gown floated around her body, almost wrapping her in invisibility as she melded into the water-filled tunnel.

Santana broke away from shifting rocks to report that the boulders trapping Annison were too heavy to lift, even with help from Coran. Elwinn could understand every thought that came her way, and so could Jimmy now that she was near. Elwinn intervened and attempted to roll the boulder away using a strong water current. The boulder did not move a millimeter. “I’ll call for help from Floella. Perhaps the guardian of Earth’s land and mountains can move the boulder.”

Elwinn closed her eyes and concentrated on contacting her sister-witch. When she explained the problem, Floella replied she would come as fast as possible. Speaking to Jimmy and the other Aquamites who had gathered around, she explained that the witch who ruled Earth’s realms of mountains, hills and meadows was on her way.

One young Aquamite, holding Vanaata's hand, broke away and headed for the gap between the boulders. Her gold and green hair streamed behind her, and Jimmy thought she looked every inch as beautiful as Annison. She plunged her arm into the gap between the rocks and sent her thought message, “I have hold of your hand, Annison. Don’t be afraid. A new witch is on her way to help get you out.”

“Florence, dear sister, I hear you. I am not afraid now that you are here.”

Jimmy turned to Milton and asked, “Who is the small mermaid holding Annison’s hand?”

It was Vanaata who answered. “They are both my children. Florence is the younger of the two and adores her big sister.”

“Annison never mentioned that she had a sister,” Jimmy said.

“I think.” Milton said, “When Annison is with you, she forgets that the rest of the world exists.”

Jimmy blushed at what sounded like a gentle reprimand from Annison’s father.

The arrival of Floella avoided further embarrassment. All the witches had the power to borrow powers from the other witches, so she had no trouble breathing underwater. Floella took in the situation in an instant and exchanged thoughts with Elwinn. “I can see that blasting the rocks would be very dangerous with Annison stuck beneath them.” She sent the message out to everyone around who could hear thoughts. That included Jimmy because he wore Elwinn’s sapphire belt to share her powers. “Please, Floella, is there anything you can do? Annison is slowly being crushed by the boulders pressing down on her.”

Jimmy added, “I know you are the most powerful witch in the coven when it comes to matters involving the earth and its rocks.”

“That’s true. Elwinn and I plan to help release Annison from the prison she is trapped in. But first, let me get some additional help from Jade. If we combine our powers, we can save her.”

“I’m here, Floella, “came the words from Jade. “What do you need me for?”

“I’ll be with you in spirit,” Ira’s voice echoed through their minds. “But I can’t leave the Sky Islands immediately. Lady Cleoptra needs my help to restore an imbalance in San Moran. The whole island is rocking.”

“I need you, Elwinn and Jade to join forces with me only for a few minutes,” Floella said. “Follow me inside the rocks that are trapping Annison. Once there, we expand our minds until the rocks crumble to sand.”

“Brilliant idea, Floella,” praised Elwinn. “If we can shatter the rocks from inside, there will be no blast.”

“That’s the general idea,” Floella added. “But we must start at the top of the pile and work our way down. Ready?”

“First, let’s get Florence out of harm’s way,” Jimmy said. He waved Florence to return to her mother, and the witches went to work.

Three witches dematerialised to follow Floella’s spirit deep into the centre of the boulders. They occupied and filled every crack and the tiny voids in the large rock at the top of the rubble pressing down on Annison. Then, together, they expanded their presence until the inner particles of sand that made up the rock began to fall apart and fell to the floor of the tunnel in a steady, flowing stream of sand. Milton realised that Annison had been saved because two rocks on either side of her body provided a shield to protect her.

The last boulder disappeared, and Florence could wait no longer. She broke free of her mother’s restraining hand and swam to help Annison escape her prison simultaneously with Jimmy. Annison was sandwiched once more between the two people she most loved in the world, and Florence did not object to sharing her sister with Jimmy.

The witches did not wait for congratulations or thanks. They got on with their lives and duties and quietly disappeared to continue protecting Earth’s realms. Only Floella remained to ensure that everyone was safe. She dismissed the profusion of thanks Jimmy and the Aquamites poured on her.

“When the Earth has settled, Jimmy,” Floella promised, “I’ll return to clear the tunnel that leads to the Great Oceans. I know how important it is to the Aquamites. With no one around, I can blast the rocks apart without fear of hurting a bystander.”

Jimmy released his hold of Annison so her parents could welcome her back into their arms.

“We’re all safe now. Aren’t we, Jimmy?” Florence asked, still holding Jimmy’s hand. “I think so, Florence. No more rocks have fallen, and the tunnel walls are no longer shaking. It must have been an earthquake.”

“We’ve had earthquakes before, but they were never that strong.”

“I am only guessing but remember when the Scarab beetles were chewing up the rocks in Lithnia?”

“We are a long way from Lithnia, Jimmy.”

“True, but they did a lot of damage to Roombelow. And that is even further away. Perhaps they tunneled through your world to get to Roombelow and weakened the structure around Emerald Lake.”

Witch Jade joined the discussion. “Floella has reported that the Scarabs did widespread damage between all the worlds on Earth. She promises to restore all the damage just as soon as she can. Floella can bring all the cracks together and fuse them into one. It will take one mighty quake to dislodge her work.”

“So, you see, Florence. You are under the protection of the witch’s coven,” Jimmy said. “They will always come to your aid in times of trouble.”

Her father, Milton, expanded on Jimmy’s reassurances. “That does not mean that you should not take care, dear daughter. Your safety is always something you should take responsibility for. We don’t want to pull Earth’s Guardians away from their vital roles of guarding the rest of the world.”

“I don’t think you need to worry about that, Milton,” said Jimmy.

Floella decided she could do no more for the moment and took her leave from the Aquamites.

“It’s also time for me to get going,” Jimmy said. “I don’t want Amanda and Mr McDonald to worry about me needlessly.”

“It’s been so nice meeting you for the first time, Florence. I’m sure we will get to be good friends, so please look after your sister until I can return to see you all.”

Annison gave him a playful dig in the ribs and a quick self-conscious hug and waved goodbye to the rapidly receding sight of Jimmy swimming towards the well in Roombelow.

Chapter 2


n land, nothing could outrun Jimmy. One of the gifts of his heritage from his Attalian parents was the speed at which he could run. The downside was that he was born with enormous feet. Big feet were a significant disadvantage as he grew up because they attracted unwanted attention. He was constantly mocked and bullied. The wonderful thing was that his feet fit into the red Attalian boots as soon as he could walk, and when Jimmy wore his red boots, he was the fastest mover on Earth.

Even more importantly, Jimmy’s feet never grew any more prominent. As he grew up, his feet became less noticeable. And, because he could move his feet so quickly, he could kick out at great speed and swim even faster than an Aquamite.

“And are the Aquamites safe now?” Mr McDonald asked after Jimmy had finished bringing his surrogate parents in Roombelow up to date with his latest adventure.

Jimmy was in the process of clearing away the dishes after enjoying Amanda’s home-cooked dinner of stewed diced meat in a rich beef gravy enhanced with the addition of suet dumplings, crisp on top and soft underneath to soak up the extra gravy. “They are not in any immediate danger,” Jimmy replied. “Floella still needs to do some work to stabilise the voids in the rocks that the Scarabs have left.”

“The Scarabs also attacked Roombelow,” Amanda said with a worried frown.

“Don’t worry. There were no rock falls here during the earthquake that shook the lower world,” Mr McDonald said, unbuttoning his tartan waistcoat so that his stomach could expand in comfort over his red trouser belt after indulging in Amanda’s wonderful dinner. “And Witch Floella has promised to fill in all the tiny holes in the rocks so they will be as strong as ever they were. Right. Jimmy?”

“Once a witch gives her word, you can be sure it will happen.”

“I feel better knowing that,” Amanda said, as she served hot chocolate drinks and shortcake biscuits on a tray, while they sat around the log fire.