2024 Best Illustrated Book

A beautiful story of imagination and culture. This book highlights Indigenous life while providing a contemporary story any child would love. The hidden messaging throughout the book encourages learning about Native American Causes. An amazing story of adventure and the power of place.

When Granny June brings six-year-old Juniper to a U-Pick flower farm, the child meets Bumble, a resident bee, and the two form a summer-long friendship. Wandering rows of colour, the two learn about each other and the value of caring for others. Includes audio of text and three songs.

Genre: Fantasy

As F'lorna readjusts to life as a River-dweller, she feels the battle of two Eternal Memories raging inside of her. She struggles with depression, shame and sleeplessness, trying to stay busy teaching River-dwellers and Marsh-landers the Adoration of swordcraft. As F'lorna's best friend, Raecli...

When St Nick crashes his sleigh in a frightful storm, Maurice and the gang use teamwork, moose-taches, and a sprinkle of magic to try and save Christmas. From thrilling near misses, to making new lifelong friendships, this is a Christmas the moose and St Nick will never forget!

Have you ever wondered how some people deal with the challenges of life with confidence and turn their dreams into reality? Well, maybe someone will help you find a secret to embark on a transformative journey toward a life filled with purpose and accomplishment. The first and most important step is...

An American teen travels to her father's homeland, searching for answers about his death, and uncovers a secret that puts her in the crosshairs of a crime boss.

After book 1 introductions, we now expand and explore further day-to-day joys and predicaments of the clan and forest dwellers. Can the fairy children help a duckling who is terrified of water? Will they help their mouse friend find love? Includes audio of text and three songs.

Welcome to the Ó Murchú fairy clan, who live In Carabeg, where cooperation is the best rule of thumb. Cheer on the fairies as they search for alternatives for their new sister's missing wing. Nothing could go wrong, right? Includes audio of text and three songs.

This beautifully illustrated book for early years tells the story of little jellyfish bobbing along on the ocean spray, as the ocean creatures join it in a lyrical dance, it becomes clear that all might not be as it seems. A sustainably printed story, gently told to inspire, delight and enjoy.

When Leona was woken early one morning, she knew something had to be wrong. But as she rushed to meet the elders nothing could prepare her for what she was about to hear. Life in Fairy Glen was about to change...the words fairy dust were echoing in the air!

Adventure is found in unlikely places. Lily is a lonely child who lives in an old house by the banks of the Mississippi River. The house is mysterious with a closed door between two apartments. Lily hears a voice encouraging her to open the door, but she is scared to do so. Curiosity can be good.

Pebbles the butterfly travels the world in search of the biggest number.

Nash the Dash, inventor, poet, and loyal friend, is looking for a new community and is on an adventure to find one. He meets the Ó Murchú fairy clan and is adopted into their fold. With a knack for getting himself into pickles, Nash always finds creative ways to get out of them.