Story Outline Critique & Manuscript Assessment


Save yourself all the heartache and time of rewriting areas of your novel That don’t work. Get an early indication if your story works on a structural level, for character emotional impact, and if all your plot beats synchronize with the story.

Do this long before you spend a lot of time writing the story. Our editorial team will return your document with tracking, showing what works or what doesn’t, and giving suggestions for possible changes.

This Outline Critique WILL save you a HUGE amount of rewriting and lots of heartache from cutting scenes or characters that may not work to suit the story's premise.

And the same goes for your manuscript. Have it assessed by a team of editors who will report back on character arcs, pace and description balance, plus standard writing technique issues such as telling not showing, consistency issues, plausibility issues.

How It Works
1. Add your booking details below.

2. Watch out for a confirmation email that will follow your payment. It will arrive within seconds or minutes of your payment's completion. Check your junk box if it doesn't arrive within minutes. That email will have the link where you MUST submit your Story Outline Critique or Manuscript Assessment.

IMPORTANT: Please click on the tabbed links below to find out more details for each of these writing services. Click on each heading to open or close it.

For example, you may see 'Story Outline Critique' in a black bar below, with the details below it. Click on it to close it and then click on Manuscript Assessment to open those details. The same goes for 'What To Submit For Both.'

The price list is shown below all the details.

Story Outline Critique.
  • Your Outline Word Document Must Include:
    A. Story Title and your first name and last name, not your pen name as nobody else will see this, only our editorial team.
    B. Your story's genre.
    C. Your logline or premise of between 1-2 sentences, at most one paragraph. This is for our team to get a quick idea of the story outline to come.
    D. The six key questions on character development.
    E. Include your story outline laid out in paragraphs with 3 Acts. No matter what story structure you are using (as there are so many), it is easy to show your story in the most used 3 Act structure. You can include other story structure reference points within the 3 Acts. Give us this kind of format:

  • Act 1: Show the main character in action, explain what they want and need, and how the story progresses to the inciting incident, the first turning point at the end of act one.
  • Act 2: Show the struggle the character faces.
  • It is advisable to show Act 2 in two sections, A and B with A being up to the mid-point of your story, and B being the second half of Act 2.
  • Act 3: Show the resolution, and how the character transforms or changes or doesn't.
  • F. Set this document out between 1-3 pages and the character development 1-2 pages. This is not an absolute requirement, you can submit up to 3 pages if your outline is not fully fleshed out yet. Or, you can submit more or less on your characters and more or less on your outline.
    G. Please only submit a WORD DOC, so we can use tracking to show you our editorial team's comments.

    6 Key Character Questions
    Please include these questions with the answers beside them. This helps our team to see what your character's motivations are throughout the story outline.

    1. Who is your protagonist character? (Brief on their type, traits, values flaws)
    2. What does the character want? (Desire, goals)
    3. Why do they want it? (Need, motivation)
    4. Who is stopping your character from getting this? (Your antagonist)
    5. What happens if the protagonist fails? (High stakes)
    6. How do they change? (Character arc)

    IMPORTANT: Don’t exceed five pages!

    This Outline Critique WILL save you a HUGE amount of rewriting and lots of heartache from cutting scenes or characters that may not work to suit the story's premise.

You can submit either a WORD DOC, or PDF with your story, and this manuscript must not exceed 75K words. Plus, include a synopsis of your story.

6 Key Character Questions
Please include these questions with the answers beside them. This helps our team to see what your character's motivations are throughout the story outline.

1. Who is your protagonist character? (Brief on their type, traits, values flaws)
2. What does the character want? (Desire, goals)
3. Why do they want it? (Need, motivation)
4. Who is stopping your character from getting this? (Your antagonist)
5. What happens if the protagonist fails? (High stakes)
6. How do they change? (Character arc)

IMPORTANT: Don’t exceed 75,000 words!

You MUST submit the following for both writing critique services.

Your Booking Must Include:
A. Story Title and your first name and last name, not your pen name as nobody else will see this, only our editorial team.
B. Your story's genre.
C. Your logline or premise of between 1-2 sentences, at most one paragraph. This is for our team to get a quick idea of the story outline to come.
D. Story Outline Critique: The outline as shown above.
E. Manuscript Assessment: A synopsis which you can lay out as shown above for the Story Outline Critique or in standard synopsis layout of paragraphs explaining the story.

6 Key Character Questions
Please include these questions with the answers beside them. This helps our team to see what your character's motivations are throughout the story outline.

1. Who is your protagonist character? (Brief on their type, traits, values flaws)
2. What does the character want? (Desire, goals)
3. Why do they want it? (Need, motivation)
4. Who is stopping your character from getting this? (Your antagonist)
5. What happens if the protagonist fails? (High stakes)
6. How do they change? (Character arc)

Choose Your Package.
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Manuscript Enhancement Options
Literary Agent Critique
Screenplay Enhancement Options
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