Editing And Feedback By David Imrie

Editor, David Imrie is offering feedback and editing services for writers who want to have their writing critiqued.

Editor, David Imrie is offering feedback and editing services for writers who want to have their writing critiqued and edited.

David only started editing, quite by accident, five years ago, but has quickly progressed to become a sought after independent editor. He’s British but now lives in the north of Spain with his family, has a degree in psychology from Oxford University and is also qualified as an architectural technologist.

He spent a few years in psychiatry research before switching to IT contracting, working on global integration and error management process for Nokia. Added to a wide variety of other short term jobs (musician, property restoration, nuclear power station, safety case assessment) this is, he claims, the ideal background for a specialist editor of novels!

David’s ethos is that having a manuscript edited should be an energizing, inspiring process. He aims to frame his feedback in a positive light, explaining why problems are problems and providing example solutions that can show a path forward. Although he has a pretty full calendar these days, David normally takes on a few clients from Page Turner Awards each year – please ask if you might be interested in this.

David's Editing Optional Extras

Pro Edit (£45)
With this option, your (max 3000 words) manuscript will be given the full, forensic editor treatment! As well as some overall feedback in an email, embedded comments and tracked changes will be added into the document (in MS Word .docx or .doc format).

Comments will cover the whole range of editor feedback, from stylistic concerns to plot points, characterization, consistency, plausibility, etc., but pegged to specific examples or sections in the text. Tracked changes are used for errata and also to provide examples of rephrasing, cutting, etc. for the author to assess and accept/reject. In a nutshell, this is a professional single-pass edit, but tailored to provide insight into persistent issues in the writing and with an eye to polishing those crucial opening pages.

Pro Edit + Rework Feedback (£65)
The Pro Edit is often an eye-opening, energizing experience, with writers feeling they’ve gained new awareness that’s fed through into their reworked manuscript.

It’s the Pro Edit, exactly as above, but with an extra stage for your reworked manuscript. You’ll get feedback in an email that covers the overall impression the revised entry creates and also provides detailed follow up on the main issues raised in the Pro Edit. Making post-edit progress as a writer is a great feeling, so what better than to get professional confirmation of that?

How To Access Editing and Feedback On Your Manuscript


Then, navigate to Me > Optional Extras to find the critique details. These editing Optional Extras are not available for the full duration of the awards. As soon as the different experts get booked up, their schedules will close.