
Write and Learn With ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid's grammar and style checker contains over 3,000 explanations and videos written by their experts, so you don't need to remember all those crazy rules.

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set up a free prowritingaid account to self-edit your novel

Doing a thorough self-edit with ProWritingAid will drastically improve your chances of winning a writing award.

The judges only see one chapter of your work, so that chapter has to be awesome.

With so few words, any mistakes or issues will be glaringly obvious. A grammar error or awkwardly constructed sentence could be the difference between a judge reading (and loving) your submission or placing it aside.

The judges aren't only judging your writing; they're judging your editing, too.

ProWritingAid has all the tools you need to edit your entry like a pro. It notices errors you've missed and helps you spot your individual writing quirks like repeated and vague words.

Want to know more? Check out this helpful guide: 10 Ways ProWritingAid Will Help You Win the Page Turner Awards

You can now access all of ProWritingAid's features for free, forever. You can check up to 500 words at one time and access 10 Rephrases per day. You can use all the integrations, and extensions, with a free account, and then, upgrade to Premium if you would like to check longer documents or use more Rephrases.

Editing with ProWritingAid will give your entry the best possible chance of winning. Set up your free ProWritingAid account today!

Try ProWritingAid for free

Prowriting intergrations with other software

Better Writing in Less Time

Streamline your editing process with 1000s of suggestions built for authors. Go beyond grammar to improve everything from passive voice to pacing with a few clicks. Plus, add more sensory detail with a click with dozens of rewording options delivered on demand.

Try Prowritingaid writing software for free

Better Integrations Save You Time

ProWritingAid easily integrates with MS Word/Outlook, Google Docs, Scrivener, Open Office, and Final Draft, so you can edit wherever you write.

Their browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari let you check your writing on almost every website, including Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Medium, Wattpad and more.

prowritingaid offers authors and writers a free account for self-editing

ProWritingAid is so much more than just a grammar checker.