How do readers get to see my entry and make comments on them?

If you choose the sharing options under a silver or gold package, your submission will automatically receive social sharing icons at the top of the submission page.

You will also see a checkbox inside your submission for you to select that you want 'Reader Feedback' and you can share your entry link to ask for comments. Please note that if you don't feedback and if you want to keep your submission private and only for the judges to see, you must select 'Judges Only' in your submission entry.

We also share the silver and gold package entry links. If you select to have a newsletter insertion, we include your entry link in our newsletter. Readers can make comments on your entry in the comments box below your entry.

Ways To Receive Reader Feedback
A. You can start to share your entry link immediately after you enter and ask friends and followers to give you feedback.
B. You can also share your entry via the Facebook and Twitter social icons at the top of your entry. You will only see these if you opt for a sharing package as this is not available through the basic bronze membership package.
C. If you choose to have a newsletter insertion to get extra feedback, make sure you factor in enough time to get scheduled into our newsletters. Please note that the optional extras of a newsletter insertion is to boost your feedback and encourage our readers to give you feedback, but you must factor in enough time for this.

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