Alex Salam

Alex is a writer & director. His stories often place characters in morally ambiguous situations that threaten their identity and force them to confront their humanity.

Before being a writer and director, Alex had a career as a medical doctor. He worked in some of the world's most challenging environments, including spending a year on the planet's most isolated research station in Antarctica, managing an Ebola hospital in Sierra Leone during the West African Ebola outbreak, and conducting research on plague and other epidemics for the UK government. Alex holds a master's degree in anthropology and a PhD in pandemic science.

His first short film, "Crashing," screened at multiple Oscar and BAFTA qualifying festivals and received a special mention for the Oscar-qualifying Light in Motion Prize at the Foyle Film Festival. He recently completed his second short film, "Ma," which is currently being submitted to festivals. In addition to being part of the 2024 NFTS Sean Connery Talent Lab, Alex is also part of the inaugural 2024 NFTS John Yorke Writers Academy.

Screenplay Award Sub-Category
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