Keith Costelloe

Keith lived and worked as a teacher in North Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America, eventually settling in BC, Canada.

His first novel, Drawn into Danger, is set in Algeria, and he used his experience there to write a fictional thriller. Inspired by working in Malaysia, Starship Malaysia is a YA adventure story with a teen protagonist who befriends a group of Malaysian boys, and they become involved in trying to rescue a kidnapped girl. Keith’s third book, a Gothic-horror novel called Vampires in BC, is set in Vancouver and the wilds of Northern BC and introduces the Children of Sasquatch.

He's participated in several creative writing courses in poetry, prose, film script, and memoir writing. He is an active member of a Vancouver Writing Group and various writing and poetry groups. Keith is a member of the CAA and FBCW and is involved with Peninsula Productions, a not-for-profit theatrical organization.

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