Robert Wooldridge

After meeting Robert, you realize he was raised right- right inside a movie theater. His childhood happy-place was escaping to the cinema and the magic that came alive on screen. After trying his hand on an independent film, he realized his greater passion was writing.

He’s inspired by visual storytellers and movies with an emotional punch. At the core of his scripts is usually a loner, an outcast, who leads you on an emotionally journey to an unexpected place within yourself. His strength is found in character-driven dramas and thrillers, focusing on diversity, LGBTQIA+, and strong female roles.

He’s had success on the contest market with several scripts, including THE BOAT (Final Draft Big Break Drama Winner), and more recently STRAYS (Emerging Screenwriter’s Grand Prize Winner), both on the Coverfly Red List. Robert was selected as ISA’s Top 25 Screenwriters to Watch in 2022.

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