Hans Galesloot is an award-winning screenwriter from The Netherlands, known for creating and writing some of the most successful TV series in Dutch and German television history. His groundbreaking series Medical Centre West became a Dutch classic, setting record-breaking ratings that have yet to be surpassed. Galesloot’s work has also found success internationally, with several of his series sold abroad.

In addition to his television success, Galesloot is an accomplished novelist, with two historical novels published and several feature screenplays currently in development. A sought-after expert, he has served as an advisor for the Dutch Film Fund guiding the next generation of storytellers.

Galesloot studied Sociology at the University of Amsterdam and Screenwriting at both UC Berkeley and the American Film Institute in Los Angeles, shaping his unique voice that blends European narrative depth with Hollywood’s cinematic appeal. Early in his career, he honed his craft as a film-cutter and editor at Chanowski Productions in Amsterdam.

With a proven track record of engaging audiences across genres and cultures, Galesloot is now focused on bringing his storytelling prowess to feature films, offering a fresh, global perspective to the international market.

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