Mr. Clark is director of creative development for Futoura -- a new, advanced theme park concept based on the STEAM fields: Space, Science, Technology, Engineering, The Arts, and Mathematics. He has written three screenplays: Future's Past, Starfire and Crossover.

STARFIRE is a compelling, heartfelt story of Earth’s first “real” contact by an extraterrestrial with ties to earth’s past. Epic in scope and message, Starfire supports and explains the conceptual premise for much of the advanced technology used at Futoura™ and will create additional interactions with many of the science fiction / space-related attractions, such as Futoura Starport™.

Starfire Logline: George Harper’s boyhood tragedy weighs heavily as he becomes a decorated Navy SEAL and Marine biologist all while in communication with an extraterrestrial who’s assessing whether to deliver a message that will alter the course of humanity.



Imagine you’re an eight-year-old boy who’s just lost both parents. Your confused, angry and lost. It’s hard to tell what’s real, or whom to trust. Your innate curiosity and imagination become your only friends. At eighteen you meet a girl, and those dark horizons begin to brighten. Then you gain an opportunity to prove that your one big idea, your important invention, can succeed. But you must first get a deepwater sample for benchmarking from miles offshore.

That’s when fate turns and, like with your parents, you have to confront a fatal mishap. You find yourself bobbing in a cold, scary ocean alone, and without your glasses making everything around you a blur. For three horrific days and two nights, you’re in the survival fight of your life, when…

Our story begins…

Several million years ago, Earth is assaulted when an asteroid collides with Mars sending ejecta hurtling toward the blue planet. As hell rains down, several species are snatched from impending doom and teleported to a distant planet where they could continue to evolve.

A time shift to present day Southern California introduces us to GEORGE HARPER (our troubled teen), working at Birch Aquarium in La Jolla. George is working there because his caretaker grandfather, SIMON, an ex-Navy Seal, is the Security Supervisor at the research / tourist attraction. It's there that George meets his love interest, a tour guide surfer named ANNA CRUZ. There is an immediate chemistry between George and Anna that defines the secondary “romance” genre of our story.

George, Anna, Simon and his wife, GWEN, attend the White House Science Fair where George is demonstrating his invention to Senator Addae Jackson, who gives him his personal business card. George tells him he wants to become a Navy Seal just like his deceased father, Jessie, and his grandfather, Simon.

That’s when time suddenly stands still, except for George and the living image of his deceased mother, KATHLEEN, who reappears from George’s time in the ocean. Kathleen is actually a remarkable extraterrestrial who informs George that Earth is going to experience a “celestial event.”

STARFIRE, as George names her, takes him on a fantastical, eye-popping journey through space and reveals what’s in store for his home planet. Starfire warns George not to share the information with others at this point or he might not be available for their “mission,” and then vanishes. Realtime resumes as if nothing had happened. Except something extraordinary did happen. Anna see’s George fall to his knees, and utters the word, “Starfire.”

FBI Agent CLAY PARSONS is analyzing video of the Science Fair and he notices an anomaly with George that’s similar to cases he has investigated. Parsons is now convinced that there is a connection, and pursues a persistent investigation into George’s life.

We ride sidecar with George, who becomes a heroic, decorated Navy SEAL and Marine biologists, and his passionate yet tumultuous relationship with Anna, to a mind-blowing conclusion at the United Nations where Starfire, who appears in her pure form as a seven-foot-tall "Photonic Being," demonstrate an astonishing opportunity for Earthlings, backed by an ominous warning from George. He tells (and shows) us that we need to resolve the threats here on Earth, and between each other, before we have a chance to survive the impending invasion from the SARC – powerful phantom creatures who decimated Starfire’s Eosian world!

George ask Starfire: How big is the universe?

Starfire replies: Space is existence, George. It contains all that we know and will know. Where there is no space there is no existence, and thus, nothing to fathom.

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