Deciphering the Judging Criteria - A Guide to Short Story Writing Competitions

Deciphering the Judging Criteria - A Guide to Short Story Writing Competitions - Page Turner Awards Short Story Awards 2024 (C)

Deciphering the Judging Criteria: A Guide to Short Story Writing Competitions


Understanding the judging criteria is essential for writers entering short story writing competitions. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of how short stories are evaluated in competitions. By gaining insight into the judging process and criteria, writers can tailor their submissions to meet and exceed the expectations of judges, increasing their chances of success in competitions.


Short story writing competitions provide writers with a platform to showcase their talents and compete for recognition and rewards. However, navigating the judging criteria can be daunting for aspiring participants. In this blog post, we'll demystify the evaluation process, offering valuable insights into what judges look for when assessing short story submissions. By understanding the criteria used to evaluate entries, writers can refine their work to align with judges' expectations, ultimately enhancing their chances of success in competitions.

Clarity and Cohesion:

One of the primary aspects judges consider when evaluating short story submissions is the clarity and cohesion of the narrative. A well-structured story should have a clear beginning, middle, and end, with smooth transitions between scenes and events. Pay attention to the pacing of your story, ensuring that it flows naturally and keeps readers engaged from start to finish. Additionally, clarity in writing is crucial; avoid ambiguity and convoluted language, opting instead for clear and concise prose that effectively conveys your ideas.

Originality and Creativity:

Judges are often on the lookout for original and creative storytelling that sets entries apart from the competition. Avoid clichés and tired tropes, opting instead for fresh and innovative narratives that surprise and delight readers. Consider experimenting with unconventional narrative structures or perspectives to add depth and complexity to your story. Embrace your unique voice as a writer, and don't be afraid to take risks and push the boundaries of traditional storytelling conventions.

Character Development and Depth:

Compelling characters are at the heart of any memorable short story, and judges pay close attention to the development and depth of the characters portrayed in submissions. Create well-rounded characters with distinct personalities, motivations, and arcs that resonate with readers. Show, rather than tell, their traits and emotions through dialogue, actions, and interactions with other characters. Additionally, explore the complexities of human nature, delving into the internal conflicts and dilemmas that drive your characters' decisions and behaviors.

Adherence to Theme and Prompt:

Many short story writing competitions provide a theme or prompt for writers to incorporate into their submissions. Judges assess entries based on how effectively they adhere to and interpret the given theme or prompt. Ensure that your story not only incorporates the thematic elements but also explores them in-depth, offering unique insights and perspectives. Avoid forced or contrived references to the theme, opting instead for organic integration that enhances the narrative and enriches the reader's experience.


Mastering the art of short story writing competitions requires an understanding of the judging criteria and how to tailor your submissions to meet and exceed judges' expectations. By focusing on clarity, originality, character development, and adherence to the theme, writers can craft compelling stories that stand out in competitions. Remember to polish your work to perfection, seeking feedback from peers or mentors to refine your storytelling skills. With dedication, creativity, and attention to detail, you can increase your chances of success and leave a lasting impression on judges in short story writing competitions.

For short story writing contests 2024, we are delighted to be offering a $250 prize plus publication for the winning short story.

See Prize Here

Remember to pop back to Our Shorty Story Writing Competition Guide often to find more help to get your short stories into international short story writing competitions that announce the winners.

Short Story Writing Guide