Workshops For Writers

We're proud to host a wide variety of workshops for writers and authors. Whether you're starting out on your writing journey, or you're already a fair way along the road, we're aiming to bring you workshops and boot camps to help your writing and publishing journey.

Creating Characters In 7 Easy Steps

When we create fictional characters, writers often get lost in the mind-boggling complications listed on the internet. So many blogs and writing advice sites give reams and reams of things you have to

How to Evoke Character Emotion in Every Scene

During this Writing Workshop, How to Evoke Character Emotion in Every Scene, you will learn that emotion is the thread that binds readers to your characters’ experience. From fast-paced thrillers to

Secrets To Creating A Dynamic Character Arc

During this Writing Workshop, Secrets To Creating A Dynamic Character Arc, you will learn that the secret to a successful story is NOT the plot. It's the character in your plot. The story is the

Literary Agent Feedback on the first two chapters of your novel

How would you like to have a literary agent look at your first chapters and give you Literary Agent Feedback on the first two chapters of your novel?

Here's how...

Literary Agent Feedback on

A Writing Workshop that will teach you How to Promote and Market Your Books

Promoting and marketing your book can be terrifying for authors and writers who are not web-savvy or who don't have a marketing and promotion background.

Whether you aim to be traditionally

Screenplay critiques for screenwriters

To help screenwriters to prepare for the 2022 Screenplay Award, or for entering any other awards, we have three screenplay experts who will give you a constructive critique on your screenplay.


Email Marketing For Authors and Writers Workshop

If you have already created a Writer's Platform and don't need to attend How to Create A Writer's Platform, but you still need to learn more about marketing and promoting your books through Email

25 Pages + Query Letter Literary Agent Boot Camp

How would you like to have a literary agent look at your first 25 pages and give you an assessment? Here's how...

This Twenty-Five Page Boot Camp will help you to get a head-start with your novel