Gillian Kobiela Lyon

Hello, I am excited to be entering the Page Turner Awards for the third year in a row.

Originally from the West of Scotland, I am now settled in Edinburgh with my husband and two cats. As a self employed artist I work mainly from home. This gives me the opportunity to spend some time exploring the local hills and coastline which I am very grateful for.

I have been writing for ten years in between busy periods. Three years ago I discovered the Page Turner Awards through Jericho Writers.

Entering this competition gives me something concrete to aim for and adds some extra excitement into the mix. I also love to read the other submissions and share in people's success stories.

Three of my previous submissions have made the finalist list and one has been longlisted. Alas I am not yet published, and I would dearly love to be. I am open to various ways of being published including online, self and traditional. Hard work is my middle name and it is my hope that with more of the same and some expert guidance I can make my dreams a reality.

This year I am entering one story from a series of children's books called 'Monkford's Tales.' Two of these stories have made the finalist list and one was longlisted last year.

I hope that you enjoy reading my submission.

Monkford and the Humph
My Submission


Ann Brady Sat, 15/07/2023 - 18:18

I found the content and approach interesting. My question is - as the page count is at 10 pages and the word count 845 approx is it the writers intention to stretch this further? And if so, how far? Maybe this is a question for future discussion.