2020 Award Winners

Congratulations to our 2020 eBook Winners and our 2020 Writing Award winners! Please join us in congratulating them and wishing them well in their writing journey. You can leave comments at the bottom of their profile. Mark Stibbe won the Fiction Writing Award and Elizabeth Goodhue won the Non-Fiction Writing Award. David Hay won the Fiction eBook Award and Robert Barry won the Non-Fiction eBook Award. Read their award-winning stories.

Elizabeth Goodhue

Elizabeth Goodhue is a freelance writer and blogger. When challenging a student to publish her work on a blog, Elizabeth also started one called ecgpoetry.blogspot.com. Since then she has written a

Original Picture created and resized in "paint" by author  96-68KB

I live in the north east where I draw much of my inspiration. Following a long career in public service, during which I was Chief Emergency Planning Officer for Cleveland, Head of Resilience for

Author of "The Truth - The Biggest Cover-Up In History"

I was born and raised in Kilkenny City, in the south east of Ireland. I am a Chemical Engineer and European Patent Attorney. I graduated in Chemical Engineering from University College Dublin, Ireland

Picture of author Mark Stibbe

Mark Stibbe is a full-time published author and the founder of BookLab, a company dedicated to helping emerging writers. Mark was adopted in 1960, along with his twin sister Claire. In the 1940s