Ann Brady

Ann Brady is judging our Writing Mentorship Judge and looking for a writer to mentor

Ann Brady is judging the Page Turner Writing Mentorship Award and offering a fabulous mentoring prize worth more than £2500 for one lucky winner. She is looking for writers with either a finished manuscript or unfinished manuscript that she can mentor and help get the manuscript to a publishing standard.

In 2020, Ann chose two fiction writers to mentor and will be doing the same again for 2021. She is looking for writers with either a finished manuscript or unfinished manuscript that she can mentor and help get the manuscript to a publishing standard.

Ann has been working in various sectors of publishing industry since the 80s. Starting in the Eighties Ann Brady began writing non-fiction, creating one of the first informational websites in the UK which won her The International Association of Web Masters & Designers Golden Web Award for Excellence in Web Design, Creativity and Content.
The retail website was the first to offer information as part of its services. Her writing continued with a variety of genres and includes an Award Winning Historical Fiction Novel, a series of Children’s Picture Story Books plus Short Story Mystery and Thriller books.

Upon retirement from her business Ann took up fictional writing full time, and began mentoring younger writers.

She has published some of their works under the banner of, recently releasing ‘Can You Hear Me’ a dark poetry book by British Australian Yami Gray and ‘Charm of the Chosen One’ a fantasy story with an underlying theme about bullying by young Welsh writer Anya Elisabeth. Ann also Mentors writers of all ages, worldwide, working with some successful authors.

Ann is a judge with the BBC Radio2 500 Words Competition, is a member of SCBWI (the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators) and a member of the Society of Authors in both the UK and Australia, as a member of The Association of Freelance Journalists.

She offers speaking engagements and was involved in a special event organised by an Australian Publisher at the London Book Fair 2020.

Writing is Ann’s joy and passion. Passing on what she has learnt to others, especially the young, is a pleasure to her.

Find out more about Ann's Writing Mentorship Prize.

Ann Brady