First 3-Chapter Manuscript Evaluation

First 3-Chapter Manuscript Evaluation

Win a Manuscript Evaluation of the First 3 Chapters or 75 Pages.

You’ve completed your novel, but is it ready for publication?

With a manuscript evaluation, you will be given two thorough run-throughs of your work, with suggestions regarding foundational story
elements, such as plot, story and character arcs, conflict, tension, point-of-view, and pacing. I’ll let you know what’s working and what isn’t working.

This does not include any editing, such as spelling, grammar and punctuation. Instead, you will receive comments in the sidebar of your manuscript, an evaluation with suggestions for moving forward, and a one-hour phone call to answer any questions you may have regarding the feedback.

What this online creative writing workshop will do for you:

Having an experienced editor evaluate your plot points, storylines, character arcs and conflict will allow you to improve your writing for future pitching to literary agents looking for new writers. And to enter good quality submissions to international writing contests.

Prize Value $375.00

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