How To Control An Entire Planet ... in 5 easy steps
How To Control An Entire Planet ... 5 easy steps -- A Planetary Expose to Empower Evolving Humans
((1 pg. intro))
IT ALL STARTED LONG AGO with a game of “Make-Believe”, and a young child’s inconceivable “Wish”.
A wish that catapulted her into a lifetime of challenges, chance encounters, amazing discoveries, and profound revelations.
She envisioned a “Giant Jigsaw Puzzle” depicting earth’s history and our presence here, as revealed through the study of Religion, Science, History, Geology and all our accepted modes of education—full of “Gaping Holes and Missing Pieces”!
Full of mysteries to uncover, with increased “Mastery”, once found.
Missing pieces that contained: the “WHO, WHAT, HOW and WHY” to almost “EVERYTHING WE SEE AND EXPERIENCE TODAY”!
“This is how it started; and this is now the legacy I leave behind.” – C. D. Hill-Lavalle
Foreword ………………………………………….........................................ix
Chapter One -- Step One: Impress, and get “Invited In” ……….................2
Chapter Two – Step Two: Infiltrate, Crossbreed, and Monitor ……..........10
Chapter Three – Step Three: Set up a Single Controlling System..……...14
Chapter Four – Step Four: Educate and Perpetuate the System..……….18
Chapter Five – Step Five: Eliminate Threats and Dissension....................34
Chapter 6 - How to Prevent this on Earth....…..…....................................42
Chapter 7 - The Real Enemy..….............................................................. 64
Chapter 8 - No More Lies....…..……………...…......................................101
Chapter 9 - What Motivates Us...............................................................153
Chapter 10 - The Real Matrix....……….…………...............................…...178
Chapter 11 - Who We Really Are.....…….…………...................................182
Chapter 12 - The Good News....……………………...................................222
Chapter 13 - What God has to Say..………………....................................255
Postscript Re: COVID pandemic.………………….....................................280
Chapter 14 - Join the Crusade!.……………........…..................................298
Notes, Contact Information, Author………………......................................319
Resources and Additional References……….……....................................327
How you use the facts presented, I will let you decide, based on whatever stage of enlightenment you find yourself in. Whether you are an ambitious human wanting to conquer a less evolved race, a lover of mysteries, crimes and intriguing tales, or someone who is seeking answers to the meaning of life—this book will surely satisfy.
In this time and era of “No More Secrets”, where controversy and scandals are becoming the norm, I offer you a new exposé, a “Planetary Exposé”—one filled with mystery, corruption, intrigue and plenty of “Food for Thought”.
Written under the guise of a science fiction, the first five chapters reveal an actual planetary takeover and the steps that were used to set up control of its populace, narrated (in italics) by one of the ancient and dark race of beings who had been involved with two, attesting to their proficiency in this process. One planet, after years of their control, exhausted its life—a physical legacy of a doomed culture. The second planet (a more successful takeover), this alien race will now refer to—one still under their control, and one that has been for thousands of years.
From the sixth chapter forward, I take the story in a new direction, revealing more important history, secrets, discovery and channel—offering powerful solutions to aid our own planet in its present day survival and ways to improve the health, safety and prosperity of all human beings.
Note pages are added with the hope as you make your discoveries, it may inspire you to make a difference in your own life, or that of others. You may even discover more of your past within these pages—stifled memories of a distant yet forgotten ancestry.
Written to educate the inhabitants of our own planet, this five-step process is also a confessional of sorts, by a dissenter one could say, of this alien race. I’ve heard that he is one of many of his kind who is tiring of the control and deceit they have perpetuated. In its telling, there may be hope for our own understanding: that all souls, aliens and humans alike, can evolve, absolve their misgivings, and seek forgiveness. This is something we as humans would do well to master for our own peace and evolution.
This book, I’ve also found, has some divine “Magic” within its pages. Every reader will discover a part of this story that is especially dedicated to them; and once read, then randomly opened with intent, each reader will find a valuable message for that day.
I hope that it will not only inform, but inspire, long after its completion—helping you gain the wisdom and power to not only enhance your own life, but all life on our planet.
Follow this journey and decide for yourself.
Chapter One
STEP ONE: Impress, and get “Invited In”
“First, let me introduce myself—not by name, as my name is not important, but our story is. I am from a planet outside of your own solar system—an ancient race that has existed a million of your earth years. We are superior to earthlings, having mastered space travel; and we have successfully controlled many planets and their species over the years. Our race lives in the fourth dimension—a dimension that is one higher than your own, rooted in base emotions.”
“As a fourth dimensional life-form, I represent a race of beings who feed off fear and chaos. We prefer, however, to get this energy from others, as it has proven rather destructive to our planet when we’ve tried to promote too much of it among ourselves. Fear, especially, is one of the strongest of emotions—for us, a highly invigorating energy. We have also found it effective in controlling the actions of primitive and naive life-forms.”
“We differ from you. As an ancient race we are more technologically evolved and advanced; and time for us differs from your own linear time. We have physical traits much different from humans, but possess the technology to disguise our appearance. We are larger and stronger than you, with life spans equal to a thousand of your earth years. Thousands of years ago we depleted our planet’s resources, forcing us to search out new planets to control and harvest. We used space travel in our invasions and takeovers. We are always on the lookout for planets and beings to control. We prefer dealing with primitive life forms—ones we can more easily exploit and rule over. We have successfully controlled several planets over the ages.”
“Our last takeover was not as successful as our current one. Life on this planet did not last long enough to gather all the resources we needed. The inhabitant’s fear escalated too far, causing nuclear wars that eventually decimated the inhabitants and their planet. It now sits barren and lifeless; however, we still use it as a valuable outpost.”
“Our more current conquest is a planet we had been monitoring for some time. It was even richer in resources and just starting to develop intelligent life when we discovered it. Barely an infant in relation to the number of planets existing with life, the inhabitants were in an ideal state of evolution for our control. We later discovered, however, that this planet was under special protection from a more advanced civilization a distance away. This presented a new challenge—finding a way to “secretly” infiltrate this world.”
“Our first invasion there had come to the attention of the “Light Lords”, those members of the Galactic Federation who made us aware of their laws governing free-will and evolving planets—specifically, the law of “non-interference”. This was a law to protect and give freedom to less evolved and primitive life-forms, so they would be free to evolve at their own pace without undue influence or interference. Because of our last planetary takeover, our spaceships were being monitored, restricting our race from duplicating what we had done in the past. This did not discourage us, however, as we were determined to find a way. We could not leave such a rich and fertile planet in the hands of such a primitive and inferior race.”
“We soon discovered a way to infiltrate this free-will planet, circumventing the laws that protected it. If formally invited and given the authority to “set up shop” (so to speak), we could then influence, intermingle, and control as we saw fit. We kept monitoring this planet from afar, waiting for abundant and vulnerable life to develop—waiting for the opportunity to carry out our agenda of control.”
“As is true of all spiritual existence in the many universes, including the universe of humanoids, no individual or race can ever do anything that they do not believe is the right thing to do. Our individual experiences and biological needs were always the motivating factor in our takeovers. As a fourth dimensional race, most of us find our sustenance through extreme emotions. We particularly enjoy the energy generated from life-forms in fear. We have also found that instilling mass fear is one of the easiest ways to control and manipulate less evolved life-forms. Perpetuating fear enhances feelings of helplessness; and the greater the fear one can generate, the greater control you have over an inferior race.”
“In any takeover of a planet there is always a possibility the victims (inhabitants) may wake up, start evolving and break their bondage. But, as you will soon discover, once the five steps of control we give you are followed, you can easily restrict and control an entire planet for thousands of years.”
“And so, in keeping with all the drama that humans love so well, this is the story of our latest conquest, where we were not only “invited” in, but given free rein to interact & advise. We set up a control system that has lasted for centuries—a control system that is still flourishing and feeding us today. This planet, whose inhabitants were primitive, steeped in fear and superstition, provided a perfect combination for our entertainment and control of its populace. Here now is our story for your contemplation.”
“There came a time when a group of inhabitants of this fertile planet had revealed an insatiable lust for power and control; so much so, that it sparked the curiosity and drive needed for these inhabitants to access our realm, a realm which normally would have been inaccessible to them. These ambitious life-forms were a handful of god-fearing seekers, looking for a connection to their revered deity. A strong need to possess their god’s help to gain power and elevate their faith drove them. It motivated them out of fear, that a neighbouring nation may possess more wisdom and wealth than they. This fostered a jealousy that ultimately became their undoing. They had discovered that this wealthier nation had been tapping into different dimensions, receiving guidance and wisdom from these. This country had created a sacred room, a room buried deep under the ground, beneath the feet of a large stone edifice. Heavily guarded and accessible only by their highest spiritual leaders, this room could create “portals” to other dimensions. Only those specially ordained few could enter and use this room. These spiritual ones also performed many sacred rituals that kept them protected from any dark or negative energy (like us). They had used this portal solely to gain knowledge and guidance to enhance their civilization.”
“The adjacent and fearful nation was envious of their prosperity, and learning of this room wanted to discover its secrets. Their religious leaders were jealous of the abilities and wisdom that this country had and wanted that wisdom and power for themselves. They were too proud to elicit help or advice from those who had created this gateway. Besides, they wanted to make their own religion superior–to control and dominate their world. They discovered that a colleague of theirs (of their same religious faith), had a rare and unique gift. He could project his conscience to distant locations and possessed psycho-kinetic abilities. This rare skill allowed him to be in one place, yet travel with his mind to another place, enabling him to control physical matter while in spirit form (a trait that a few of your own kind has demonstrated in the past). His religious leaders eventually convinced this gifted one to use his powers to travel into the sacred room of their enemies and discover its mysteries. Their agenda was to contact their god and receive his help—not only to make their religion supreme, but allow it to be the sole control of their world’s population. However, their fears and inexperience in this undertaking created a great advantage for us and gave us the opportunity we had long awaited.”
“They had their helper enter this secret chamber and evoke the incantations written within to open a portal. This immediately alerted us, attracted instantly to the energy of apprehension and fear that they emulated. We heard his thoughts and felt his guilt. “What will I find?” “Would God be angry at my intrusion?” We could easily read all the fearful and guilt-ridden thoughts in this one’s mind, fears that resulted in the opening of a portal to OUR dimension, the fourth dimension—a dimension ruled by emotions. Being receptive to fear, we quickly sensed his apprehension and guilt, much like many animals on your own planet can do. It was intoxicating to us, like “a dog smelling fresh meat”—providing the opportunity we had long been waiting for! We also felt the group’s intent and mental appeal for help and guidance, hoping they had opened a pipeline to their revered deity. This was the exact invitation we needed; and we would become that deity for them!”
“A single emissary of ours answered and, on being invited in, arrived through the portal. We disguised him, giving him an appearance that these primitive creatures would find awe-inspiring. As a superior race, it was easy for us to sense and visualize what all these primitive male inhabitants were praying for and concentrating on. Our emissary chose an appearance similar to these primitives; however, as an older male with long white hair and a flowing beard. His appearance immediately invoked reverence, prayer, and humility. Our ruse was working. Without a doubt we knew that these people would believe him to be their god. With our more evolved technologies, we could easily fool the others. After all, they were driven by fear, and beings so driven are easy to manipulate and control.”
“Being ambitious ourselves for a new life source to dominate and feed from, we were not foolish enough to correct their ignorance. All we had to do was promise them what they desired the most: supreme power for their church, unlimited wealth for their families and the power to control all their planet’s inhabitants. They rapidly became easy prey for the subsequent infiltration and takeover that befell them and their entire planet. All they had to do was follow our guidelines and the instructions we would provide. They could control the populace and rule their world. What primitive and fear-driven race wouldn’t want this power?”
“Unbeknownst to them was our own agenda: to have an entire planet submit to our will and control, providing millions of followers and workers to mine the planet’s resources and provide a steady stream of fear and chaos for our race to feed on. Our emissary explained that achieving their goals would require his sending in several “helpers” who would act as controllers and advisers. The original intruders took little convincing–they even sang praises during our invasion!”
“One technology we had mastered (proving useful to us), was “holographic imaging”—a technology that we have recently shared with your own species on earth. This allows anything, both living and inanimate, to appear as an image of our choosing—a holographic “overlay” you could say. Therefore, for any less evolved race (like your own race on earth), such imaging would appear “real”, and its true appearance would be indistinguishable. The projected image could overlay an existing item or a person and appear as solid as a plane or as real as your own next-door neighbour! Because our true appearance, (and that of our creations), differed from this planet’s occupants, we would have appeared rather alien and hostile to them, given their current belief system and less durable biology. Therefore, we used a sampling from what we observed of their male species to cloak ourselves in a similar appearance. The goal was to wander among them freely. They fell for our deception in the grandest way. Even to this day we can walk among most of their citizens, unnoticed and obscure.”
“With the promise of wealth, prosperity, and eventual world domination for their faith, there was little resistance to our “setting up shop”. Hence, the invite was open for creating the ultimate control that would feed and entertain our species for thousands of years to come. The system that we propagated for control, as I reveal in the following chapters, would not only provide our race with adequate fear to feed off, but would also benefit those first few inhabitants, their future generations and devoted followers. We assured them, based on the systems and teachings we created, that their religious doctrine would be supreme and ultimately be the major influence in their world, and that their wealth would always surpass the wealth of any others who followed. That this system would be at the expense of millions of this planet’s inhabitants did little to concern us—as long as it would provide us with the fear and resources we craved.”
“This is the legacy of this poor, uneducated planet. How we set the system in motion and perpetuated our control, follows in the chapters to come.”