The Adventures of Rhoda and Dottie "Never Give Up"
p The day started like any other day on Mister and Missus' farm. The sun peeked through the clouds, waking up old Clack the rooster. As the sun crepted out of its bed, Clack flew up to the roof of the chicken coop, stretched his neck high in the air, and let out a loud "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"
p With that, Mister and Missus and the rest of the critters slowly began to wake. Brumby the dog stretched and yawned, ready for another day of patrolling the farm. Yep, today started like any other day!
p Inside the coop, the chickens awoke and slowly came into the chicken yard. Many of them were still chicks. Two of them were named Rhoda and Dottie, They were the best of friends and are being raised together by Mary the hen.
p. You see, when chicks hatch from their shells, they need a momma to keep them warm and safe. Rhoda and Dottie were happy to have such a good momma as Mary. Mary taught them how to be chickens, she showed them how to scratch the dirt to look for bugs and worms, and she even showed them that fruit and vegetables are delicious! Mary also told the chicks that, sometimes, life on a farm can be tough. She taught them how to be safe and how to avoid dangerous situations. Rhoda and Dottie needed to be prepared for anything!
p. Not long after sunrise, Missus made her way out to the coop. Whistling and humming, she unlatched the gate and let the chickens out into the field. This was an exciting time for Rhoda and Dottie; they got to roam about eating bugs and clover! Although being out of the coop was fun, it was not always safe. the chicks did not have the protection of the pen, so they always had to be alert.
p. While pecking for bugs, Clack and Mary noticed something very large flying in the sky. All of the grown-up chickens began to run and squawk, "Its a hawk! Hide!"
p. In the confusion, Dottie began to run but didn't know where to run to! She ran as fast as she could but couln't find a place to hide. "Everyone, head to the bushes! yelled Clack.
p. Dottie turned to run for the bushes, but it was too late. The hawk swooped down and grabbed her with its claws and carried her away! Dottie let out a terrified "Squawk!"
p. Missus and Brumbie heard the commotion and came running out of the house yelling and barking loudly. Startled by all the noise the hawk suddenly dropped Dottie! "Ouch, ouch, ouch!" she said as she bounced off the limbs of a tree on her way down. Dottie hit the ground with a thud!
p. Dottie stayed very still so the hawk wouldn't see her. Her tiny heart pounded. It pounded so hard and so loud that she worried the hawk would hear it. But she remained still, wondering what she would do now. "I don't know where I am or how I will ever get home. My belly hurts. Oh no! My leg hurts too, but I can't give up," she thought.
My apologies for the appearance of the submission. I'm horribly out of my element when it comes to anything to do with computers. And yes this required A LOT of computer time. I am just a small farmer form Kentucky. Much more comfortable slinging animal poo than sitting in front of a computer. :-)