We've got to get out of this place

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Imageof 'Ascension Land' - illustrated by the author, demonstrating the path of life.
Despite the advancements in technology, wisdom and knowledge, there are some questions which continue to perplex mankind just as they have done for centuries. What is the meaning of life? What happens when we die? How did we get here? Who's really in control?


Who are we? What are we?

Why are we here?
What is here?
Why do we care?
What is this game of life all about? Is it a game?

If not, what is it?
Does it have to be anything?
The above are questions that at some time in our lives we ask

And we never get a physical answer. Nothing we can see, touch,

feel with our external body parts. But is that all there is? Is it all physical sensations as opposed to inside sensations?

Are we more than our body parts? Are we more than our mind? What is our mind?
What are we?

Are we not all the same? We being humans?
What is life?

in the seas? The plants on the land? The plants that grow in the waters?

How does physical life start?
Where does physical life come from?
Who created physical life?
Did anyone or thing create life?
Is a rock alive? Is a mountain a big zit?
What is earth?
What is a volcano but an open sore?
What is a hurricane, if not just a tantrum of the winds of the

gods? Yes, small g for these gods.
Is an earthquake anything more than a fart of earth?
When earth farts does gas come out like when we humans fart? What happens to that gas?
What is a virus?

Do plants communicate with each other?
Do bugs share food with each other?
Do animals have a hierarchy in their communities?
Can animals build communities? If not, why?
Do plants build communities?
What about the dolphins? What are they? Are they an elite

What is a whale other than blubber?
What is life?
And why do we mankind think we are not part of the world we

live in?
Why do we believe we can control earth?
Why do we believe in a Father God?
Did a Father God make our bodies?
Did a Father God make our lives in physical form?
Are we more than earthlings?
Well, welcome to thoughts that we never get an answer to.
But we are told to not question. Sit back and relax and do as you

are told. Do not question, just obey. Who tells us this?

Why do we believe in the Father God and then kill in the name of that Father God? What kind of father is that? One that you can love? Or one that you should kill the thought?

Who are we? And what is we as well as you the individual? Is there a difference of Us and Them?
Is there is a difference, how did that happen?
What gets us to do the things we do?

My friends, we are visitors here on planet Earth. We are a consciousness that came across this dimension and somehow got locked in. Straight up, that is the naked truth. As the song of my youth called “Space Captain” says, “Once while traveling across the sky this lovely planet caught my eye.”

My belief? We fell into a body that earth produced. And this body works as a machine that is in tune with earth and her wants and needs. Earth is our mother. We came from a Father God whom I call the Consciousness of everything and more.

Consciousness is awareness. We were made in physical bodies with our individual awareness that is a drop from the eternal sea of awareness. The awareness that all our awareness comes from. And that awareness is not from earth’s dimension nor this universe.

We do not die. Our body does not either. When we so-called die, we in fact leave the body we live in here on earth and go somewhere. Somewhere being what we are about to experience. Our body disintegrates and returns to the womb of our Mother Earth.

This book is my life’s studies of what is life about and where we go from here.

If nothing else, I pray this book opens your mind and allows you to go to the portal of your third eye, the eye that sees beyond physical body existence and gets you to understand what this life is about and what comes next.

When does life begin? How does it begin?

Life never began as it was always here in changing, evolving ways that may be dissolving polluting ways of wants and needs where we wish everyone to serve us.

Somehow we believe we are the holy race. We believe the God chose us to be here. We believe we are the gold of the living. We believe and this belief does not let us see what we really are.

We are a species that must kill life to sustain our physical lives. We are a species that believes they are individuals, not part of the whole. And this false belief then makes more life without regard to whether we the collective earth beings can support that life to allow servants to perpetuate our ways of living here on earth, serving the unseen masters of earth life.

Why are we here? We are a consciousness that somehow got stuck in this dimension, and because we had individual wants and needs, broke off from our collective consciousness and came here to live our individual wants and needs.

- sion. We as a consciousness do not live here in this body forevermore but just for as long as we keep the body alive with our energy at the cockpit. The energy that lives in our nucleus of every cell we have is giving us the energy to run our body machines. A machine cre- ated by earth’s parts according to the DNA code locked and loaded inside our cells that tells our cells what to do to play their role in this body, which is really a car that allows us to move around earth.

Our consciousness is locked up inside this body, so our souls, which is what we have become, are a limited version of who and what we are. The earth body souls are totally programmed to exist here as a beast that must kill other beings to survive. A body that must sleep and recharge itself so we can continue our ways of living here on earth and slaving to a system of control all believing this is what a Fat God wants. Fat because this god eats on our blood and

I will continue.

Examine your lives. When you entered earth as a child, baby, everything was wonderful. You had at least one elder taking care of your earth needs as you discovered the pains that come with the joys of physical life. Before you fell into the body, you were free as a

bird. An eagle soaring as a missile landing where you wanted to go. But that was as a thought without a physical body.

So you agreed to come inside an egg and have the earth human experience. And you live to discover physical life is not what you wanted. Most of us submit and become robots to a system based on control.

My friends, maybe earth is the prison of our consciousness. How do we get out of here? Out of this earth’s dimension? What happens to us when we die?
Let’s examine religions that we created to help us live our lives

with meaning and purpose. Meaning and purpose to serve the matrix called Imperial Religions and their corresponding Imperial

What is religion? Thoughts that bind you to live a certain way. Get you to accept the system your family gave you earth life to live and do what? Ask yourselves, do what?

My earlier books explain these truths. This book is Opus III, the conclusion to Opus I and Opus II. Welcome to the last furlough of this ride.

I will review in this Act 14, the major sky god religions and what they tell you to do when someone dies and what they tell you hap- pens to you when you die.

Physical Earth Death and Religions —Debbie Veltri

Have ways to mourn
You live in their matrix From the day you are born

Some claim it’s the soul That goes back to God
But that’s just a fool’s game A dreamlike façade

All denominations Want you to believe You won’t go to heaven Without their reprieve

Christian, Jewish, Buddhist And Islamic too
Want to control you
With their own scripture’s view

So they sit in judgment Of how well you did live With a ritual send off And your sins they forgive.


Before I get into reincarnation and ascension, let’s examine briefly five different religions, man-made I must add, and what they teach and promote as their recipe for physical death. The intellectual meal they serve to you, the living, as opposed to the conscious departed who are now on their way and a lost conscious- ness looking for home.

Let’s review the physical conventional explanations that these

are Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

- kind the body and told us creatures we were to worship them as our sky gods. These truths I shared with all in Opus I and Opus II of this trilogy. The next two are the Eastern religions that came into you in detail as Act Nine contained in Opus II. My game is to share with all my knowledge and wisdom called awareness of the game this matrix plays on us here in this dimension called earth. I want all who are ready to see and feel the other possibilities that exist so while living you stop falling in line and worshipping a god that says it’s okay to kill.

I will now review their “religious” game. A game I say so they the few who run the religions and claimed to have superior knowledge

in their communities stay in control of you, the living. You believe. This so you allow these religions to control your lives by having fears of what is next after earth life.

The departed, the physically dead, are now free to actually stop this voodoo game of lies wrapped around truth. A game they were trained to partake to be accepted as a member in good standing of their brainwashed communities’ system of control. We do not need third parties to speak to the ONE GOD for us. GOD hears us all if we learn to talk with GOD. When we learn how to do this and believe it, we have earned the right to call upon GOD to give us the strength without harming others to help us get through our physical day.


Now here we have three traditions that exist over the eons of this religion adapted to survive the local communities taught to hate the Jews. Taught to hate the Jews as the Christian religion was taught when things go wrong blame those who do not believe in our savior Jesus Christ who they teach died for our sins. All bullshit as we learned in Act Ten of the series. And in Act Eleven of this series, we learned how the Christians created their killing sport. And in Act Thirteen of this series, we learned what made for the need to create Islam as a response to checkmate the Vatican and their lying game of their Christ.

So now I will give you a 101 version of Judaic tradition distorted so you have a choice of which temple and rabbi to give your money to. And doing so you believe when you die you have absolution and forgiveness for living a life corrupted by materialism if you did not choose the righteous path. Righteous because you became a mouthpiece for these distorted truths.

Remember there are three versions of this religious order. You can be orthodox or conservative or reform. Questions. Please hear these questions in your sacred space. How can reform be right if the orthodox way is the way? How can conservative be right when you are only hedging your bets so you go and pray in a temple that you pay to join and hear someone say what GOD wants you to know? And if you are a Reform Jew, how can you balance what the other two sects must do to get closer to their god, not GOD?

And in all three sects, people actually believe and swear to god their support only when they need god for when they have sinned

or something did not go their way. They really sin when they act without asking their heart where GOD lives, which is what they should do because they know what they are doing is wrong. I love seeing the costumes one must wear to talk with this fake god.

- sions take over.

One, a Jew is taught that there is a soul called neshama. The soul they claim lives forever. The body is on borrowed time. When we are done with our bodies, we give our bodies back to earth and God. That is why a Jew is buried.

So what happens to the soul? Well, here we get into debates. One, what is a soul? Two, where does it go from earth?

Well, there is hope that the soul goes somewhere, but where? Some are taught in a very traditional way that the soul lives on andin Opus I and Opus II lived forever in their physical form on their planet Nibiru. If you were one of Enlil’s Hibirus, now called Jews, you could join Enlil in his heaven after earth death. But how? By behaving, we were taught.

Now some forms of Judaism—which are sort of secret, not open for public lecturing—you learn that your soul will return to a body. A new body you get. Which body? Not answered, but it deals with your memory that you leave your body with. So this is the pranc- ing Jew’s attraction to “basement” worship of Buddha images. Basement because they do not want the public to see that they are not 100 percent in line with the traditional ceremonies of Judaism.

Now when one dies, the Jews have their death rites that includes how we remember the departed soul, or how we see where we can but unfortunately that is what I see beyond the fake alligator tears. This is where you live on in mental form by those who survive you. So now we have the games of funerals.

Today this begins by making public statements about the death, which we call obituaries. Calls are made to the friends by friends as well as the family about the death. A funeral is arranged to do what? Bury the dead body, but where is the soul? Not answered.