Chapter 1
A Gift
The sun shone brightly, melting away the remnants of the dreary days of the Munich winter. From the arbor on the front porch of the Einstein home, fragrant purple wisteria blossomed. The garden was bursting into a riot of color with red tulips, yellow roses, blue cornflowers, and a multitude of other blossoms of various hues.
Albert had been down the street at his aunt’s house. It was 1885, and the family was celebrating his cousin Benjamin’s sixth birthday. Albert had turned six the month before and was therefore far worldlier than his “little” cousin, at least to his way of thinking. But he loved his cousin—as much as he loved his aunt’s apple strudel. In fact, he loved the pastry so much that shortly after dessert he ran home and got sick all over the purple crocuses in his yard.
Pauline Einstein, young Albert’s twenty-six-year-old mother, noticed him struggling to climb the porch stairs. Her brow furrowed as she opened the front door. His chubby cheeks flushed, Albert looked up with a sickly gaze and grasped his mother’s hand. “Mama, I don’t feel good,” he moaned. Pauline knelt and kissed his head, then paused, frowning. “Albert, you’re burning up.”
She pulled back her long muslin skirt, then scooped the boy into her arms and carried him upstairs to his bedroom. Albert had his own room, a pleasant chamber with tiny blue flowered wallpaper.
Albert fussed restlessly as Mama pulled off his necktie, ignoring the smell of sour vomit on his starched white shirt.
As Albert removed his pants, Pauline moistened a cloth from the washbasin and wiped Albert’s face and hands. She dressed him in a long cotton nightshirt and tucked him under the covers. Albert fell asleep the second his head hit the goose-down pillow. Mama sat in the chair next to his bed and stroked his hair. “Sleep feel better mien Liebling.” She stayed with him through the night, wiping his brow every few minutes to cool his fever. Albert slept fitfully, unaware of his mama’s loving ministrations.
The next morning Albert did not join the family for breakfast. Hermann, Albert’s father, frowned at the dark circles under Pauline’s eyes. “Is Albert doing better?”
Picking at her food, Pauline gave a heavy sigh and shook her head, “I’m worried. Albert has not awakened since yesterday when I put him to bed. His fever is still the same. I’m going to summon Dr. Weiss to examine him.”
Upstairs, Albert lay unconscious, his spirit hovering over his bed. Disoriented, he saw his limp body, and in his mind, he wondered, “What’s happening to me?” A motion off to the side caught Albert’s awareness and his spirit caught a glimpse of a tall, brilliant winged being at the foot of the bed. “It’s all right Albert. I am Angel Zerachiel, I am here to watch over you.” At that, Albert’s body relaxed.
# # #
Twisting the doorknob, Pauline ushered Dr. Klaus Weiss into Albert’s room. Albert's spirit and Angel Zerachiel watched dispassionately as Dr. Weiss pulled his spectacles from the inside pocket of his tailored wool suit. The doctor paused to listen to Albert’s breathing, then, pushing his glasses up on his nose, he bent down to inspect the feverish boy.
After a couple of minutes of gently poking, prodding, and listening, the doctor straightened and beckoned to Pauline. She moved toward him with a questioning look. “Albert is in the midst of working something through his body,” Dr. Weiss stated.
“Is it serious, doctor?” Pauline asked, concern coloring her voice.
The doctor smiled reassuringly. “I don’t think so. Give him willow bark for the fever." He took out a pad, uncapped his fountain pen, and spoke aloud as he wrote instructions for Pauline. “Steep about one teaspoon of the dried herb in 2 cups of boiling water for 10 minutes, then strain.” He opened his leather, medical bag and pulled out a small tin container marked “Willow Bark.” He handed the herbal remedy to Pauline. “You can also soothe his head with lavender and chamomile water.”
Later that afternoon Hermann came home early from work. He opened the door, which creaked slightly, and poked his head into the room. Pauline sat in the chair next to Albert’s bed spoon feeding her son, who was propped up on pillows and looking better, but still quite weak
Pauline turned at the sound and smiled at her husband. "The herbs Dr. Weiss recommended breaking Albert’s fever."
Hermann shared a wink with Pauline as he walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. He patted Albert’s leg under the bedding, “I am so relieved to see you feeling better.” Albert raised his tiny hand to acknowledge his papa. He did not remember the Angel or leave his body.
Hermann reached inside his moleskin pants and pulled out a round, brass object on a silver chain. The twelve gems on top glistened in the morning light. He dangled the curious object in the air in front of Albert’s face.
Albert’s eyes grew wide. “What is that Papa?”
Hermann smiled, happy to see the illness was not severe enough to dampen Albert’s curiosity. “This is a compass, Albert.” A quizzical look came over the young boy’s face. Hermann opened the brass cover to show Albert how the strange device worked. Hermann’s eyes glowed as he pointed to a slender arrow suspended above the face of the compass. “See this arrow?” Albert nodded; his eyes focused only on the object. “It always points north. This is because the tip is magnetic; it aligns itself with the Earth’s magnetic field.” Albert nodded, looking even closer. “The compass is for navigation, to help you find your way.”
Mesmerized, Albert reached out and grasped the curious device. It felt heavy in his little hands. He twisted, turned, and gently shook it. No matter how he moved it, the needle mysteriously only pointed north. “Where did you get it, Papa?” Albert asked, still staring at the needle.
Hermann smiled. “A new customer, Count Von Baden, gave it to me to pay for installing lighting in his castle. The compass has been in his family for many years.”
He must have been reluctant to give up such a treasure, papa,” Albert said, finally tearing his eyes away from the compass.
Hermann shrugged. “It was among a bunch of items he gave us to reduce the price for his job,” Hermann said his eyes twinkling. “And I thought you’d find it interesting.” As Albert grinned, Hermann pointed to the cover of the object. “See the twelve gemstones on top? This is a unique compass. Be sure and keep it safe.”
“I will, Papa!” Albert said emphatically, his eyes drawn back to the device as if the magnetic needle pulled them. The excitement of receiving the new gadget gave Albert a spurt of energy, but it soon dissipated. Despite his best effort to continue examining his wonderful compass, under his parents’ loving gaze, Albert fell asleep.
Pauline reached out and touched Hermann’s hand, “What a wonderful gift for Albert. He seems even better since you gave it to him.”
Hermann smiled, pleased he was able to lessen his wife’s concern.
In his sleep, Albert, too, smiled as he clutched the compass to his heart.
Chapter 2
A Friend
Albert’s father was a partner in his brother Jacob’s gas and electric supply company, and one day he took Albert to see an electric lighting system the company had installed. The customer, Frederick Thomas, owned a local brewery, Munich Brau, but the reason Hermann had dragged Albert along was that Thomas had a son, Johann, who was Albert’s age. Both boys would soon begin first grade and Hermann thought it would be good for the shy Albert to know at least one boy in his class.
Albert did not want to go with his father; he preferred the familiar routines at home. Being out in unfamiliar places caused him to shut off inside. When the boys were introduced, Albert just stared at the floor and went into his own inner world. He thought boys his age was boring. He wanted to be alone.
Hermann forced a smile onto his lips. He reached down and shook Albert’s shoulder. “Come, Albert, Johann wants to show you the new lights in the barn.”
Albert knew his papa would not like it if he did not do as he suggested, so, reluctantly, his eyes still down, he shuffled over to Johann, wishing he could escape.
Unfazed by Albert’s shyness, Johann encouraged him with a broad grin, “Wait ‘til you see the lights! C’mon, I’ll race you to the barn.” Whooping, Johann burst out the kitchen door and ran toward the barn. Albert rolled his eyes. He ambled along, making his way across the yard.
Impatient, Johann bounced on his toes as he waited near the barn door for his guest. When Albert finally arrived, Johann flung open the barn door. Running inside, he jumped up onto a wooden box, reaching for a switch on the wall. “It’s amazing to see,” he said as he flipped the switch. In a moment, incandescent light flooded the spacious barn. The smell of fresh hay and saddle soap met Albert’s nose. He noticed wooden beer barrels, stacked bales of hay, and horse carriages.
Unimpressed by the lighting, Albert pointed to the incandescent bulb and went into lecture mode. “When electrical current passes through a wire, it causes the wire to heat. The wire gets so hot that it glows and gives off light.”
Johann looked at Albert in surprise, his blue eyes dancing with amazement. Enraptured he could not believe what he was hearing. “How do you know that?”
Is this boy interested in this? Albert thought to himself. Albert relaxed a bit and began to explain, encouraging, that he had impressed Johann. “Papa takes me to work with him. He teaches me about electricity. He and my uncle want me to learn the lighting business and apprentice with them.”
“No kidding?” Johann asked with obvious interest. “Is that what you want to do?”
Albert shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess it could be okay.”
Johann nodded, becoming thoughtful “I know what you mean. My papa has plans for my brothers and me to take over the brewery. But I don’t know if I want to do that, either.” Another smile lit Johann’s face. “Hey, I know. I’ll become a great brewer and you can electrify all my breweries!”
Albert had to smile. Johann’s friendliness and enthusiasm were infectious. Without warning, a lightbulb went off in the electrical expert’s head. “Wait a second,” Albert said, tugging at a chain around his neck and pulling something out of his linen shirt. “Want to see something really interesting?”
“More interesting than electric lights? You bet!” Johann nodded eagerly.
As Albert dangled a brass object on a silver chain, Johann’s eyes grew large. “Wow, what is that?”
“It’s a compass. My father gave it to me. Have you ever seen one before?”
Shaking his head, Johann guided Albert over to a bale of hay and the two boys sat. “I haven’t,” Johann said, mesmerized by the fantastic device. “What does it do?”
Albert held out the gleaming brass compass with the twelve sparkling gems. So, Johann could see it better he opened the top and rotated the compass, “See how the needle always points north no matter how I move the case?” His bright brown eyes twinkled as the mystery of the unknown captured his soul. “Someday I will understand why it does that.”
Johann’s blue eyes grew even wider. Not only had he never seen a compass before, but he had also never seen anything like it. During this fantastic day, Johann paused in thought. He had two older brothers, Francis, and Daniel, who worked in the brewery, but they never talked like Albert did. His father, Frederick, a Lutheran said the Einsteins were Jewish. That was the reason he knew so much.
Albert surrendered himself to the moment. He found himself trusting his engaging and friendly companion and he allowed Johann to hold his cherished prize. Johann opened and closed the clasp. “Hey, come on!” said Johann jumping to his feet. Their eyes glued to the compass, the two boys marched around the barn and watched the needle.
Content with their first parade, they returned to their seats on the hay bale and Johann returned to the compass. Albert closed his eyes and held his precious gift to his chest. “Oh, I love my compass and I love my Papa, who gave it to me.” The compass tingled against Albert’s chest. From inside the compass, a shimmer of light burst then radiated out about ten inches all around Albert’s hand. Albert felt the unexpected warmth and opened his eyes to find a rainbow projecting from the gems. Above the compass floated a three-dimensional number “33”. Johann struck with wonder, squealed, “Look at that!”
Albert threw his hands up in surprise, dropping the compass onto the straw floor.
The boys sat mesmerized by what seemed like an eternity.
Behind them, the barn door opened, and Papa Hermann hollered into the barn. “Albert say goodbye to Johann; your mama has dinner waiting.”
Albert snatched up the enchanted instrument and looked earnestly at his new friend. “Johann, you must never tell anyone what happened today. You promise?”
Speechless, Johann nodded his compliance.
Bonded by a special secret, neither boy had any inkling of what a key role the compass would play in the adventure of their lives.
In the dimension closest to Earth, sometimes called the astral realm, Moses, Ezekiel, Jesus, and Akhenaten floated in deep meditation. Known to those initiated into higher realms of Light as Mystical Travelers, they had gathered in the halls of the Crystal Temple for a sacred purpose.
The thread of Light of the Mystical Travelers on Planet Earth dates back from the beginning of time through Egypt and into the millennia to come. In the eighteenth dynasty through the reign of Akhenaten hundred years of years before the time of Christ, evil practices had spread into many of the temples. Akhenaten, with great wisdom endeavored to wipe out the deception through the worship of One God. Unfortunately, the great Pharaoh met his fate at the hands of Egyptian priests who were not eager to have their power diminished.
The next Mystical Travelers who came to influence events in the world, Moses, and Jesus, had prepared to endure tests of higher initiation. In Light centers and mystery schools around the planet, they studied and taught peace and compassion. The common man of the day could learn while still on earth how to manifest Christ's Consciousness.
As these four Travelers meditated, the vibration of Ezekiel’s Lux crystal portal interrupted the sublime moment, and they paused in the melodic sound of their chanting.
Bringing his awareness to the present moment, Ezekiel frowned and said, “The supernatural power of the Shamir Stone has been activated! How could that be? We contained the Ark of the Covenant at the Fall of Jerusalem.”
Leaning toward the image in the portal, Ezekiel saw Albert and Johann playing with a round brass object. Above the relic floated number 33.
“We have a situation to discuss, "Ezekiel said thoughtfully. He touched his portal and the image of the two boys appeared on the larger screen in front of the room. The four looked at each other in surprise when they saw the thirty-three.
Jesus reflected on the image. “Thirty-three, the number of a master teacher. He will need to develop a sincere devotion to bringing spiritual enlightenment to the world.” Jesus could see into Albert’s intense dark eyes and read his essence. “He is a rare child who will be difficult to handle. He will need time and considerable effort to integrate his gift into his personality.”
Through the Lux crystal portal, Ezekiel searched through the records of time for Albert Einstein. He saw the chaos and confusion spread across the planet as the world struggled with its transition into the industrial age. “Could this be the one to bridge across time and space and bring the theories of Light to mankind?” he wondered.
Ezekiel spoke again to the other Travelers. “Albert Einstein was born on the day of infinity, March 14, 1879. Yes, he has the master number 33.”
Moses considered the scene with the boys. “And he has a Shamir Stone? I thought we possessed only the remnant of that. What happened?”
On his Lux crystal portal, Ezekiel replayed his mission to rescue the Ark of the Covenant for the Travelers.
Moses securitized the images on the portal. In a moment he pointed. “There, did you see a bright flash? Something fell out of the Ark.”
“It looks like the same object that this boy has,” Ezekiel said. “What is it?”
Moses cleared his throat, and the Light masters turned their gaze to him. “When I took the Ark from the Temple I found a round object with twelve gems on its top. I had no time to investigate it, but it was resonating with the relics in the Ark I had built.”
Jesus raised his eyebrow, “Resonating?”
Moses nodded, “Yes, I didn’t know what it was, but I believed it best to keep with our holy treasures.”
Akhenaten’s eyes widened in surprise, “Did you investigate this object?”
Moses shook his head. “I meditated on it from time to time, but it was not emanating the energy of the Shamir.”
Jesus nodded. “Well, it is radiating a form of that energy now.”
Ezekiel turned from his portal with a sigh. “There is a dormant fragment of the Shamir hidden in this compass device. It would only come awake when in contact with a being who was destined to have it.”
Now Akhenaten frowned. “But the supernatural power of the Shamir Stone comes from those who live in the dimensions of Light far beyond earth or this realm. The secret of building the mighty pyramids is within such a precious Stone. This is not something to be taken lightly.”
Jesus nodded. “We need to watch and protect the Stone and this young Albert Einstein.”
Ezekiel agreed, “The forces of darkness will become aware of this, as we have. There is a being who has dedicated himself to acquiring the Shamir and using its power toward his own ends. Should he succeed…” Ezekiel knew he did not to tell the Travelers how disastrous that would be.
Chapter 3
The Dark Lord
In a dank underground cavern deep below Basel Germany’s Black Forest, Raka stirred. The instant the number 33 had appeared above Albert’s compass, the power emanating from the device had awakened him from his centuries of slumber. His beady red eyes began to glow as he came into consciousness, and his reptilian nostrils dilated as he tasted the air. The scent brought a smile to his lips, baring razor-sharp teeth. His eyes widened in disbelief, he shook his bony, horned head. Not since the fall of Jerusalem had the twelve-foot angel of darkness smelled such power. “The Shamir Stone! It’s been so long…”
Raka chuckled then, as his thoughts turned to how he had masterminded the destruction of Atlantis. “The priests of Light never saw it coming.” Wielding the giant six-sided Firestone crystal in the Temple of Light, it was he who caused the disintegration of the entire continent. “It felt good to beat my brother—and THEM—that day.”
Pulling himself from the stone slab upon which he had been sleeping, Raka began pacing as he considered the present. With a deep longing for the sacred stone, he sighed, “To get the Shamir I will have to blend in.” He shuddered as he realized what that meant. “I will have to appear human,” he thought, his mind spitting out the last word as if it had a foul taste.
With the supernatural stone of the Ancients, Raka would rule the world. The deep depraved primal need impelled him to fight, destroy and kill to acquire the power of the Stone of Light. “I’ve made many attempts, only to be thwarted by those Light Travelers and the restrictions of God’s Law.” Determination building within him, the angel of darkness shrugged off his anger.
As powerful as he was, Raka knew there were restraints. While anything was possible, not everything was permitted and violating Cosmic Law, there would be a terrible price for him to pay. He knew he would have to be patient and plan well. Immortality released him from some of the chains that bound his human nemeses.
Rubbing his jaw, Raka began plotting.

Thanks to the Page Turner…
Thanks to the Page Turner Awards Judges for selecting my novel "Einstein's Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure" as a First Finalist for the 2023 Best Book in the YA Category Award.
I am honored to share the Finalist Award with the many talented authors on the 2023 Page Turner Awards list.
I am excited my novel will go onto the next phases of the awards process in the months to come.
Grace Blair, Author