Kate Jones

I first developed my love of reading back in the days when TV's were an expensive luxury my parents could not afford & books were my only way to get lost in adventure and fantasy. Even from an early age, I wanted to let my own imagination have a free rein & write something that was more than an English homework assignment - I wanted to become a published author.

My first solo book, Shadows of Darkness began life over 30 years ago & the manuscript has had almost as much of an epic adventure as the characters within it. Initially saved on a floppy disc in the days when that was how you saved the important stuff, it was eventually dusted off & transferred to a pc but was then lost, seemingly forever, when a relationship turned very sour.
But the gods of writing had other plans &, by a miracle of memory, a copy was discovered in an old email folder along with the full story plan. It was a few thousand words short of what had been lost but most of it was saved - this book was clearly meant to be written!

However, as happens, life, children & the need as a single mum to work full time & provide for my two children meant that any plans of authorship had to go on the back burner for many years.

Finally, life took a dramatic turn for the better & I was able to ditch the 9-5 slog and think about picking up my manuscript again. What was initially going to be one book has now morphed into a series of eight - brevity in the written word was never my strength & an overly active imagination doesn’t help either!

I write from the heart, from life experience & with the aim of teaching my readers, through the medium of fantasy, the lessons in life I wish I could have taught my own children. After all, the subconscious works in stories & what better way to teach than through books & a desire to read.

A Yorkshire girl at heart, I now live in the flat-lands of rural South Lincolnshire in the UK with my long-suffering partner & three cats.

Award Category
Book Award Sub-Category
Golden Writer
Shadows of Darkness (Daughter of Destiny - Book 1)
My Submission
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