ROAD TRIPPY tells the story of Abigail Berkeley, who falls asleep while driving and accidentally hits a hitchhiker, Samantha Poots. Sam is on the run from some pretty weird stuff including a demonic ex-boyfriend, brain-swapping drugs, and a surprisingly vicious zebra. All Abigail wants to do is give her presentation on paperclips, but Sam seizes the opportunity to fill her life with chaos. Together they meet a handful of desert weirdos, such as Merle (owner of the 24-hour Beef Jerky, Live Snake and Hardcore Porno Emporium), Bobby Bill (a lovably corrupt small-town sheriff), and Big Toni (a freelance truck-driving assassin and pain-photographer). They get involved in a high-stakes Scrabble tournament, crash a few cars, visit a deadly waterslide theme park, and uncover the terrible cost of obtaining a Philosopher’s Stone. It’s gonna be a long trip. The perfect opportunity to become best friends, whether Abigail wants to or not.
My first ten pages are attached in PDF format.