Sean Slater

Sean Slater is an actor-writer-producer born in the UK and raised in California. His work includes the features “Empire Gypsy”, “Target: St. Louis” and “Target: Philadelphia” (available on Amazon and Tubi) as well as the forthcoming competitive eating documentary “ScarfFace”. He holds an MA in Educational Theater from NYU and lives with his family in Southern California.

Award Category
Screenplay Award Category
In 1963 comedian Dick Gregory sacrifices his comfortable life as an entertainer to pursue a political career, making him a prime target of J. Edgar Hoover’s deadly Counter Intelligence Program. Based on a true story.
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Catalina Lowe Thu, 08/09/2022 - 22:04

Powerful opening scene, surprise cut to Moscow, Russia and with a black African American on a stage (in 1962) and you have my attention.

Veronica McKenzie Sat, 08/10/2022 - 19:33

This is a vividly told story that I would love to see on screen. The characters, setting, and insights into the political landscape of the 60's are well-drawn, and give context to a compelling history. Well done!