Becky Bronson

As a child, I struggled with writing. That transformed when I was in graduate school studying for a Ph.D. in biochemistry and confronted with composing a dissertation. As I worked on my thesis, I felt enlivened in a new way. I assumed it was because I was nearing completion of my degree, yet now, in hindsight, I can see the joy of writing was surfacing in me.

In 2018, I retired and my son was a Peace Corps Volunteer living in a rural village in Liberia, West Africa. I visited him, intending to find something to write about. My first novel, “When North Becomes South,” was born out of that trip. I wrote the book to get people to think a little differently about the world. We take so much for granted in our lives, and I believe understanding the fragility of our infrastructure is important.

Since completing that book, I have focused my efforts on writing contemporary fiction, highlighting other current issues facing our society. My goal is to write books which encourage readers to pause and reflect on what is truly important in their lives.

Award Category
Screenplay Award Sub-Category
Golden Writer
Trapped in Pairadice
My Submission