
I am a house-bound writer who lives happily with my husband and two cats, spending my days hopping from world to world via audiobooks and manga. I've wanted to be an author since I was 6, or so I've been told. Other options included: doctor, plumber, scientist, accountant, pilot and pokemon trainer.

After pulling out of university due to ill health, I turned to writing. I wrote "Drawing Red" as escapism, but also to low key raise awareness of one of my more annoying conditions: POTS. It is not very well known and is often misdiagnosed. Primarily afflicting women, it kicks in during the teenage years and post-illnesses (or after forays into space, which sadly I has not visited).

I offer my services to writers as a sensitivity reader for my conditions: autism, POTS and EDS.

I am also a trustee and director of the charity Skimstone Arts, which engages young people and those at risk of social isolation through the arts.