
Antony J. Stanton was born in London, 1970, and has long harboured dreams of becoming a published author. After a brief stint as a pilot with the RAF, he transferred to commercial aviation, and remains a long-haul pilot to this day. He maintained his original passion, however, and self-published a post-apocalyptic trilogy in 2015.

"Once Bitten, Twice Die", book one from this Blood of the Infected series, reached #3 on Amazon's best-selling chart for genre. At the moment Stanton is working on a sprawling, historical vampire thriller series, spanning millennia, crossing continents and introducing an epic vampire world co-existing in the shadows but interwoven with our own. The books, five so far, as yet unpublished, include a complete and new vampire folklore, their political machinations and intrigues, their own society with simmering resentments and clashes that continue down the centuries and spill across humanity.

Stanton has an agent seeking a TV and/or film adaptation of his original trilogy. The submission for this Page Turner award is from "The Watching of Wolves and Dragons," book one of his recent, vampire thriller series.