Clio David is a documentary filmmaker, making observational documentaries for television for over fifteen years – mainly for the BBC but also Channel 4 and 5.

Her films include Cannabis Psychosis, which examined for the first time the effects of Cannabis on mental health, Who Am I Now? for BBC Storyville about the effects of former news reader Sheena McDonald’s brain injury on her life and identity, Being Brian Harvey for BBC1, Arthur and Anita for BBC3, Freebirthing, for Channel 5 and Georgia's Story: 33 Stone at 15, which was shown on BBC1 and BBC3 as part of the mental health season, Headroom.

Her films have received wide critical acclaim, being described as ‘multi-layered and remarkable television, raising important questions’, ‘exploding commonly held stereotypes', ‘compelling and intimate,' ‘digging deep under the skin of its subjects’, ‘heart-warming and life-affirming’ and ‘well-crafted and beautiful shot.’

She lives in London with her husband and twin sons. GHOSTED is her first novel, having completed the Faber 6-month Novel Writing Course in 2017.