
My love of reading began when I was first introduced to R.L Stein's Fear Street series and books like The Lifeguard and Teacher's Pet by Richie Tankersly Cusick during middle school. The escape of adventure through relatable characters was too much to resist. With age, I moved into fantasy so I could fight my own dragons, and eventually all things romance.

Despite gaining three post-secondary degrees that lean almost as far from literature or creative writing as possible, my love of reading was always there in the background. My usual genre choice now is contemporary romance, but I love a good book with some paranormal flare, probably owing back to my earliest YA horror influences.

Just in the early draft stages of my first novel, I devote as much time as possible to writing, developing storytelling techniques, and trying to control the urge to edit as I go. I love to spend time with my family, traveling often to explore new places.