
Though Deborah L. King has been a writer and storyteller her whole life, publishing her first short story at seven years old, she took 32 years to complete her first novel. As a fiction writer, Deborah loves the work of Octavia Butler, classic Stephen King, Peter David, and the illustrations of Dan DeCarlo. She loves storms, champagne, Old Time Radio, and 70s Blues and Soul. Thanks to an interesting childhood, she’s afraid of escalators, bill collectors, and sometimes fresh produce.

Along with being a Vulcan and a bread-bender, Deborah enjoys cartoons, baking, photography, and classic Star Trek. Born and raised in Chicago, she has managed to achieve all of her childhood dreams—artist, teacher, baker, photographer, model, writer— and still lives in the area with her husband and youngest son. According to her daughter, she has “literally aced her life!”