
Donna Bess is a debut author of Sidetracked to Surrender, and speaker. With her vast life experiences, she could speak on many topics. The ones specifically related to the content of her book include overcoming shame and fear, healing from church hurt, dealing with a terminal illness, and facing the challenges of being a single mom, to name a few. She is a mom of three beautiful children and four amazing grandchildren. She spent years in ministry before starting her career in healthcare over 25 years ago. She is currently a Family Nurse Practitioner. She has walked with many through the difficult turns of life and gained valuable insights and wisdom. Donna is a follower of Jesus Christ with a strong passion for seeing people break free from the traumas, chains, or hurts that have held them captive and discover the divine destiny for which they were created.

She desires that the lie of “not being enough” and a performance-based mentality be exposed so that they no longer hinder people from living in abundant freedom. She is a proponent of finding this freedom through inner healing, also known as emotional healing, made possible by prayer and the Holy Spirit. She believes that God is not done with her because He has given her a mission moving forward to facilitate the healing process for others through teaching and mentoring so that they discover the divine destiny for which they were created.

During the few hours that Donna isn’t working as a nurse, being an author, or catching up on sleep, you would find Donna fulfilling her passion for reading and learning. Donna resides outside of Nashville, Tennessee, and her greatest joy is spending time with three wonderful adult children and her four amazing grandchildren.