
Erin L. Swann is an avid home cook and works as an art teacher in Central Maryland. Her work appears in numerous anthologies and publications including Factor Four Magazine, Aurealis Magazine, and Andromeda Spaceways Magazine. She has won three honorable mentions from L. R. Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Award in 2023 and was a finalist in the Parsec Short Story Award Contest. She is currently querying her debut Science Fantasy novel, AWAKENER.
Find her on X @swannscribbles and her website at

AWAKENER is the first MS in her Science Fantasy series.

The series itself is a blend of space opera and epic fantasy. Deep secrets, dark themes, and difficult truths are hidden within snarky tones and a bit of low-brow humor. The series has several underlying messages, the largest one stressing the importance of unity despite differences. Vilified species and even the villains themselves are more than they appear, situations often more gray than black and white.

STONE BELLY is her current work-in-progress:
Tomas, a gun-for-hire who can't pull the trigger, agrees to take a teen girl as his apprentice after she insists she wants to become a Weather Watcher like him—someone who can manipulate the weather. The path to becoming one is a scarring experience and Tomas hopes to spare the girl some of the trials and tribulations involved. They pick up a contract promising a payload the girl needs to become a Weather Watcher: a rare metal able to grant the spark of life. But their client, an introverted keeper of an ancient buried city, has no intention of paying them. She needs the metal to safeguard her home and its forbidden secrets.