
E.T. Gunnarsson translates imagination into words for a living.

E.T. Gunnarsson's debut book, Forgive Us, received the accolades for Best Sci-Fi Book at the 2021 San Francisco Book Festival and Best Post-Apocalyptic Book at the 2021 Fiction Awards.

Born and raised in the Rocky Mountains (9,000 feet altitude!), E.T. now lives in southern Sweden with his dwarfed Cane Corso and his lifelong interest in Norse myth and culture. A storyteller from an early age, Mr. Gunnarsson spent his formative years developing his writing skills on international roleplay sites.

Outside of writing, E.T. is a well-versed individual. He trained with two different Olympic squads, is an expert in Norse mythology, an experimental cook, a woodcarver, an avid action roleplay gamer, a Judo brown belt, and a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu purple belt.

It’s easy to find E.T. on Facebook and Instagram: just search for his name. You can find his legendary interviews on YouTube and other websites. Or, visit to reach his publisher.