Frank Julius Palumbo

Hello, I hope you are all well. The script Dark Servants, which is currently uploaded, is the precursor to my traditionally published novel, Sullen Falls; (Semifinalist in the 2017 Kindle book awards for Horror, now being written as a movie script). Before I retired from NYPD in October of 2021, in good standing, I wrote, produced, directed, and currently editing the Dark Servants movie. However, after investing in the equipment and hiring five actors, and using friends (we formed an LLC), the current task seems quite overwhelming, at the very least. Nevertheless, barring a total failure of this script becoming the next best-selling movie/tv series, I will have to finish day.

Additionally, I have traditionally published another novel, The Enochian Wars, which is currently in script form but was informed the cost of such a project was astronomical. Lesson learned.

Curious as to the Enochian reference? I have been sitting in lotus since my youth and have studied various religious ideas. The two most fascinating are that of the western Kabalah, i.e., the Occult, and an ancient manuscript credited as the origin of Buddhism, Hinduism, and the Occult.

Furthermore, I have spent several years in college and truly enjoyed my three years in a Ph.D. program for Neuropsychology. My website,, features a very informative article I wrote on Meditation and Neuroplasticity.

I hope my script entertains you as well as gives you pause, the next an individual with mental illness crosses your path.

Thank you, Frank Julius Palumbo.