Gold Trilogy

Dion Mayne works in Mackay in Queensland. He has lived in the Pioneer Valley all his life.

Dion is an active sportsman with a passion for rugby league.

His desire to create adventurous stories about larger than life characters has seen him write several short stories. His biggest projects are Boomerang Gold Masquerade Gold.

Paul Richardson has had a career as a school-based educator. Firstly, as a teacher and then as principal. Paul has worked in school’s throughout Queensland, England and Papua New Guinea. Paul has had passion for student centered learning practices in school. His research in this area led to him being award a Doctoral Degree in education in 2013.

Paul has published several novels that can be found on Amazon & Lulu Press.

Dion has known Paul since he was at primary. In fact, Paul was Dion’s teacher when Dion

was in Grade Five!

Their common interest in storytelling and their ongoing friendship has led to them

collaborating for this book.