
Helen Garlick writes and communicates about the power of talking and connection. Author of acclaimed debut No Place to Lie, which took her forty years to write and was shortlisted for the BookBrunch SelfiesAwards 2023 in memoir. Helen tweets daily about North Devon magic and the importance of communication. Formerly a family lawyer and mediator, and the author of several books on divorce and family matters, she now writes creatively as much as she can and has contributed to short story anthologies and open mics. She is currently working on two books, one on the Power of Owning your Story and the other about puppies.

Helen will be running a writing retreat in North Devon in October 2023 for writers who want to take their work to a deeper level. Called the Power of Owning Your Story, it will bring together everything Helen needed to learn about how to make your story as gripping and vivid as possible.

Helen’s YouTube channel is Hello! it’s better to talk and she is an ambassador for charity Zero Suicide Alliance.

From Yorkshire, Helen now lives in Mortehoe, North Devon overlooking Lundy and the Atlantic with husband Tim, and dogs Pippin, Ziggy Stardust and Bentley. Volunteer seal watcher. She can be found on Twitter and IG @helenpgarlick


May 2023