
Irfan A. Karowalia is a passionate sci-fi writer and illustrator. He started working on ideas that came to him over the past few years. He loved reading science books, watching science documentaries, exploring the matters in the universe, humans & other life forms. He was always curious as to whom, where; why, and how were they created, and how do they deliver to the planets all over the universe, and if there is a creator how can we interpret him. He was always a very curious, creative, and excellent observer who can’t stop himself trying to find the purpose of everything.

He has authored six novels The Galaxiville: Taken by the Unknown, The Elemental Empires: Arrogance of the Steelon, War of Earth’s Dimensions: Ruling the Light & Dark Worlds, God’s Headquarter: How is everything created?, God’s Headquarter: Alien Park and The Moonians: Conquering Earth by Enslaving Humans.