Joseph M Byrd

My BS in Journalism and MA in Communications degrees inspired me to become a pioneer in electronic publishing. As a McGraw-Hill editor, I developed one of the first computer publishing systems. In the rapidly developing PC software industry, I co-authored one of his two books using PC desktop publishing software, the first for a major publishing house. I developed the first technical support website in the software industry. He published magazines, wrote research reports, and developed conferences in the US and Europe for the digital photography industry in my fifty-year career. I launched one of the first digital photography dot coms and developed a video training series for a major software publisher. This is my first historical novel and part 1 of a series on the life of Claude Monet.

I first met Claude Monet in a freshman Humanities class, where he introduced me to color, design, and the essence of light. He became my lifelong guide to studying and loving art. It took me 30 years of following Monet around France and reading every book I could find about him and his family before I began writing this book, my homage to Monet.