
When I'm not writing, I work as a Sonographer. It was a great career to work in while I finished college with a degree in photography. My goal was to get my Master's degree in Bio-communication and become a Medical Illustrator. I was lucky enough to find a job right out of college as a Medical Photographer for a plaintiff's law firm. Interesting work. Truck wrecks, plane crashes, malpractice, electrocution, you name it. As a photographer I saw some pretty awful stuff and worked in the field for seventeen years. I decided to go back to sonography about fifteen years ago.

The Magdalenes won first place in fiction at the San Antonio Writer's League and was a five star Reader's Favorite. I've traditionally published a women's fiction novel, Dance Like You Mean It. It was a finalist in the humor category in the 2017 Best Book Awards by American Book Fest and is being shopped by a movie agent now. I've self-published two YA novels, Surviving Life and Snow Globe.

You can find me on Facebook at Jeanne Skartsiaris, Author, Instagram at jeanneskartsiarisauthor, and Twitter, @jskartsiaris.