
Kamalia Blunt (or Mali Millie) is an award winning author and passionate professional devoted to empowering individuals and their interests. With a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish & a minor in Chinese from the University of Georgia and a Master in Science for Health Promotion Management from American University in Washington DC, she aims to continue her efforts to uplift and embolden others to persevere despite their past, present and future obstacles. If you ever catch her at a social gathering, search for the quietest corner normally next to food since she’s a foodie gal who loves cooking and trying out unique ingredients and flavor pairings. She also enjoys singing, reading/writing fanfiction, poetry, and short stories, and travelling to exotic places. She identifies with the frustrations of trying to figure out life, the good the bad, the beautiful and the ugly through loss, poverty, and trauma. Though she has achieved many accolades, she simply believes herself to be a lover, encourager and uplifter of those who have ever felt forgotten, dismissed, ignored or unappreciated.