
Hi there! My name is Melina Mondradi, I'm 26 years young, and I've written three books, the second of which has been published. My first two books are autobiographies that I ghost wrote on behalf of corporate clients. My third book is my pride and joy, as I have both written and authored it. This book is intended to be a small format, relatively short guide about wine. I supported myself financially throughout college working as a fine dining server for several years, and during this time I noticed that most servers—and guests—don't have the wine knowledge and understanding they ought to. I believe that problems in life are actually just opportunities to create solutions, so I decided to write this book.

In addition to being a writer, my acting career also recently took off. Nothing has ever made my soul feel more fulfilled than acting does, and I'm hoping that the success of my wine book will allow me to invest more time and resources into my career. My desire to be an actress stems from a passion to help people discover truths in themselves via the art of storytelling. I'm a Mexican-American dual citizen, I speak Spanish fluently, I have a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with a Minor in Philosophy, I love meditating and growing in my spirituality, and reading is among my favorite pass times.