
Born and raised in London, I've been writing since I was a child. When I was 12 years old and my favourite teacher asked what I was planning to do over the summer holidays, I told her: 'Write a novel!' Although I didn't write a novel that summer, the desire to write has stayed with me. Lockdown was a naturally difficult time but my silver lining was time to devote to writing. Currently, I am finishing a MSc in Film Studies at the University of Edinburgh so I don't have as much time to write as I would wish but the desire never goes away. At university I'm the co-founder and chief editor of a student-run film magazine called The Film Dispatch so while I continue to write, my most recent work is more film criticism than creative work. My philosophy is that you create what you consume. My favourite genres are fantasy, sci-fi and dark academia so I turn to the genres for inspiration when writing creatively.