
Born in England, breaking into serious novel writing wasn’t something I began in earnest until taking early retirement after selling my business. Two decades of writing non-fiction, graphic design, magazine publication and organic skincare manufacturing, finally led me to my dream job. Writing novels. My debut thriller novel, To The Bitter End, was released in February 2022.

For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the human mind, our emotions, how we think, those nonsensical things we do, and the struggles life often throws our way. Because of this, my writing reflects the questions I feel are not asked often enough. I try to push boundaries and challenge reader perspective by tackling complex issues through powerful characterization.

My work asks serious questions that promote deeper and more profound thinking. My aim is simple. To open up emotional and thought-provoking thinking that guides others within their own lives, helping them to see things differently. We all struggle, and escaping into fiction is the perfect way to unburden a busy mind, whilst hopefully learning valuable life lessons along the way.