
Nicole T. Smith, L.Ac. has filled notebooks and crashed computers in her pursuit of creating story. When asked what genre she writes in, she replies: Who can pick just one?

A board-certified acupuncturist and owner of The Pampered Porcupine Acupuncture, Nicole has spent over two decades in the medical field. Her latest novel, “We Have Shadows Too,” explores the repercussions of trauma, the psychological layers of the mind, invisible scars we carry, and the secrets we hide even from ourselves.

When not writing or treating patients, Nicole is traveling the world, trying a new sport, whipping up a plant-based meal, or giving an organic wine tasting.

She loves nature, warm weather, deserted beaches, Victorian attics, retro clothing, foreign languages, and studying the sciences. She weaves the theme of truth vs. illusion through her books, inviting readers to think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective.